No Sweat
Fashion, Free Trade, and the Rights of Garment Workers

Ross, Andrew (ed.)
Publisher:  Verso, New York London
Year First Published:  {18768 No Sweat NO SWEAT Fashion, Free Trade, and the Rights of Garment Workers Ross, Andrew (ed.) Verso New York London Surveys the chasm between the glamour of the catwalk and the squalor of the sweatshop. 1997 1999 314pp BC18768-NoSweat.jpg B Book 1-85984-172-4 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface and Acknowledgments <br>1. Testimony <br>2. Introduction <br>3. The Global Resistance to Sweatshops <br>4. From War Zone to Free Trade Zone <br>5. Paying to Lose Our Jobs <br>6. An Appeal to Walt Disney <br>7. The Myth of Nimble Fingers <br>8. Rat-Catching: An Interview with Bud Konheim <br>9. The Economics of the Sweatshop <br>10. El Monte Thai Garment Workers: Slave Sweatshops <br>11. Labour, History and Sweatshops in the New Global Economy <br>12. New York: Defending the Union Contract <br>13. 'They Want to Kill Us for a Little Money' <br>14. The Structure and Growth of the Los Angeles Garment Industry <br>15. The Labour Behind the Label: Clean Clothes Campaigns in Europe <br>16. Sweatshopping <br>17. Fashion as a Culture Industry <br>18. Tommy Hilfiger in the Age of Mass Customization <br>19. The Problem with Ugly Chic <br>20. A New Kind of Rag Trade? <br>21. After the Year of the Sweatshop: Postscript <br>No Sweat Fashion List <br>Notes CX7772 1 false true false CX7772.htm [0xc0002d4360 0xc0002d4ff0 0xc000300f30 0xc00059fad0 0xc00093a300 0xc00093a930] Cx}
Year Published:  1999
Pages:  314pp   ISBN:  1-85984-172-4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7772

Surveys the chasm between the glamour of the catwalk and the squalor of the sweatshop.


Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgments
1. Testimony
2. Introduction
3. The Global Resistance to Sweatshops
4. From War Zone to Free Trade Zone
5. Paying to Lose Our Jobs
6. An Appeal to Walt Disney
7. The Myth of Nimble Fingers
8. Rat-Catching: An Interview with Bud Konheim
9. The Economics of the Sweatshop
10. El Monte Thai Garment Workers: Slave Sweatshops
11. Labour, History and Sweatshops in the New Global Economy
12. New York: Defending the Union Contract
13. 'They Want to Kill Us for a Little Money'
14. The Structure and Growth of the Los Angeles Garment Industry
15. The Labour Behind the Label: Clean Clothes Campaigns in Europe
16. Sweatshopping
17. Fashion as a Culture Industry
18. Tommy Hilfiger in the Age of Mass Customization
19. The Problem with Ugly Chic
20. A New Kind of Rag Trade?
21. After the Year of the Sweatshop: Postscript
No Sweat Fashion List

Subject Headings

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