Working in Canada
Johnson, Walter
Publisher: Black Rose Books, Montreal, CanadaYear Published: 1976 Pages: 162pp ISBN: 0-919618-63-4 Library of Congress Number: HD8106.5.W67 Dewey: 301.5'5 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX7758 This book is a collection of experiences written by workers, or based on interviews with them, about what they do and feel on a day to day basis and what they think needs to be done to change their condition and that of other working people. Abstract: - Table of Contents 1. Working in the Post Office 2. Working in an Auto Plant 3. Working on an Assembly-line 4. Working in a Printing Shop 5. Assembly-line Merry-go-round 6. Working as a Trade Unionist 7. Working in a Social Agency 8. Working in an Aircraft Plan 0. Working in an Office 10. Just Working 11. Letter to a Politician 12. Towards a Working Class Radicalism: a polemic |