Working in Canada

Johnson, Walter
Publisher:  Black Rose Books, Montreal, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  162pp   ISBN:  0-919618-63-4
Library of Congress Number:  HD8106.5.W67   Dewey:  301.5'5
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7758

This book is a collection of experiences written by workers, or based on interviews with them, about what they do and feel on a day to day basis and what they think needs to be done to change their condition and that of other working people.


Table of Contents

1. Working in the Post Office
2. Working in an Auto Plant
3. Working on an Assembly-line
4. Working in a Printing Shop
5. Assembly-line Merry-go-round
6. Working as a Trade Unionist
7. Working in a Social Agency
8. Working in an Aircraft Plan
0. Working in an Office
10. Just Working
11. Letter to a Politician
12. Towards a Working Class Radicalism: a polemic
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