New Reformation
Notes of a Neolithic Conservative

Goodman, Paul
Publisher:  Vintage Books, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {17093 New Reformation NEW REFORMATION Notes of a Neolithic Conservative Goodman, Paul Vintage Books New York USA Goodman says: "For green grass and clean rivers, children with bright eyes and good color whatever the color, people safe from being pushed around so they can be themselves -- for a few things like these, I find I am pretty ready to think away all other political economic, and technological advantages." 1969 1971 208pp BC17093-NewReformation.jpg B Book 0-394-71121-1 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Sciences and Professions <br>Education of the Young <br>Legitimacy <br>Notes of a Neolithic Conservative CX7535 1 false true false CX7535.htm [0xc00045ae70 0xc000e8e960 0xc000e8f5c0 0xc001795230 0xc00239d980 0xc0026bc900 0xc0026bccf0 0xc0017e1350 0xc001b1cab0 0xc002a52480 0xc002a68060] Cx}
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  208pp   ISBN:  0-394-71121-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7535

Goodman says: "For green grass and clean rivers, children with bright eyes and good color whatever the color, people safe from being pushed around so they can be themselves -- for a few things like these, I find I am pretty ready to think away all other political economic, and technological advantages."


Table of Contents

Sciences and Professions
Education of the Young
Notes of a Neolithic Conservative

Subject Headings

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