Eichmann in Jerusalem
A report on the banality of evil

Arendt, Hannah
Publisher:  Macmillan and Company, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {15673 Eichmann in Jerusalem EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM A report on the banality of evil Arendt, Hannah Macmillan and Company Toronto Canada Hannah Arendt's report on the trial of Adolph Eichmann. 1963 1965 312pp BC15673-EichmannInJerusalem.jpg B Book Eichman in Jerusalem is a report of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, covered by Hannah Arendt, first in The New Yorker and later in this book. Arguably the "architect of the holocaust", Eichmann was responsible for sending millions of people to ghettos and extermination camps in Nazi-controlled Europe. Although Eichmann claimed to have simply been following orders, his judges found him guilty for crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people and membership in an outlawed organization. He was convicted on 15 counts and received the death sentence. This book describes the trial and its outcome in great detail. <br> <br>The report is of more than just the character and trial of one man, but unearths as much information as possible about the crimes of the Nazis. As the events of the Holocaust were revealed it was clear that he had orchestrated the genocide of the Jewish people. According to Arendt, and as revealed in the trial, Eichmann was involved in developing the three stages of "solving the Jewish question": expulsion, concentration and killing. The "Final Solution" of sending Jews to extermination camps was managed and organized by Eichmann, and the history of his actions is reported in this book. <br> <br>In this trial, the world hoped to find answers for the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Televised almost world-wide, the event sought justice for the Jewish people and understanding for the rest of the world. <br> <br>[Abstract by Mia Manns] <br> <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Note to the Reader <br> <br>I. The House of Justice <br>II. The Accused <br>III. An Expert on the Jewish Question <br>IV. The First Solution: Expulsion <br>V. The Second solution: Concentration <br>VI. The Final Solution: Killing <br>VII. The Wannsee Conference, or Pontius Pilate <br>VIII. Duties of a Law-Abiding Citizen <br>IX. Deportations from the Reich¾Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate <br>X. Deportations from Western Europe¾France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Italy <br>XI. Deportations from the Balkans¾Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania <br>XII. Deportations from Central Europe¾Hungary and Slovakia <br>XIII. The Killing Centers in the East <br>XIV. Evidence and Witnesses <br>XV. Judgment, Appeal, and Execution <br> <br>Epilogue <br>Postscript <br>Bibliography <br>Index CX7400 1 false true false CX7400.htm [0xc0011b6840 0xc00128aba0 0xc001463a70 0xc000270330 0xc0004ac0f0 0xc00043a300 0xc000a7ab70 0xc000a9d4a0 0xc000abde90 0xc0005e6480 0xc0005e6ed0 0xc0006016b0 0xc000484780 0xc00074faa0 0xc000787c50 0xc001333800 0xc001346d20 0xc001347050 0xc001b1a690 0xc00244f1d0 0xc00052c7b0 0xc00052d860 0xc001375d70 0xc0022ea1e0 0xc00232e660 0xc00232ee10 0xc002a03da0] Cx}
Year Published:  1965
Pages:  312pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7400

Hannah Arendt's report on the trial of Adolph Eichmann.

Eichman in Jerusalem is a report of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, covered by Hannah Arendt, first in The New Yorker and later in this book. Arguably the "architect of the holocaust", Eichmann was responsible for sending millions of people to ghettos and extermination camps in Nazi-controlled Europe. Although Eichmann claimed to have simply been following orders, his judges found him guilty for crimes against humanity, crimes against the Jewish people and membership in an outlawed organization. He was convicted on 15 counts and received the death sentence. This book describes the trial and its outcome in great detail.

The report is of more than just the character and trial of one man, but unearths as much information as possible about the crimes of the Nazis. As the events of the Holocaust were revealed it was clear that he had orchestrated the genocide of the Jewish people. According to Arendt, and as revealed in the trial, Eichmann was involved in developing the three stages of "solving the Jewish question": expulsion, concentration and killing. The "Final Solution" of sending Jews to extermination camps was managed and organized by Eichmann, and the history of his actions is reported in this book.

In this trial, the world hoped to find answers for the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Televised almost world-wide, the event sought justice for the Jewish people and understanding for the rest of the world.

[Abstract by Mia Manns]

Table of Contents

Note to the Reader

I. The House of Justice
II. The Accused
III. An Expert on the Jewish Question
IV. The First Solution: Expulsion
V. The Second solution: Concentration
VI. The Final Solution: Killing
VII. The Wannsee Conference, or Pontius Pilate
VIII. Duties of a Law-Abiding Citizen
IX. Deportations from the Reich¾Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate
X. Deportations from Western Europe¾France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Italy
XI. Deportations from the Balkans¾Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania
XII. Deportations from Central Europe¾Hungary and Slovakia
XIII. The Killing Centers in the East
XIV. Evidence and Witnesses
XV. Judgment, Appeal, and Execution


Subject Headings

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