The Double E

Goodman, Percival
Publisher:  Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York, USA
Year Published:  1977
Pages:  304pp   ISBN:  0-385-12868-1
Library of Congress Number:  HT166.G638   Dewey:  309.2'62
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX7391

Goodman invokes the guiding principles of ecology and economy in the design of new communities for a new age.


Table of Contents

Part I
1. Introduction
2. Cities and Other Settlements
3. Ways of Life
4. Control of Technology
5. The Need for Utopian Planning
6. The Double E

Part II
7. People and Food
8. Cooking and Eating
9. The Use of Energy
10. Pollution
11. Hygeia and Cloacina
12. Land
13. The Building Trades and Housing

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