Democracy in Alberta
Social Credit and the Party System

Macpherson, C.B.
Publisher:  University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1953
Pages:  258pp     Dewey:  329.109
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6248

An examination of the development of the party system in Alberta.


Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1. Delegate Democracy and Political Economy
i) Alberta's Political Experimentation
ii) The Quasi-Colonial Economy
iii) The Class Composition
iv) The Non-Party Tradition in the West
2. The U.F.A.: Social and Political theory
i) The Place of Theory
ii) The Social Theory
iii) The Political Theory
- Emergence of a Political Theory
- The U.F.A. Critique of the Party System
- The Theory of Group Government
iv) Implications of the Social and Political Theory
3. The U.F.A.: Democracy in Practice
i) Four Problems of authority
ii) The Delegate Democracy of the U.F. A. Convention
iii) Constituency Control versus Cabinet Control of the U.F.A. Members of the Legislature
iv) Constituency Autonomy versus Provincial Convention Control of Policy
v) Provincial Convention Supremacy versus Cabinet Supremacy
vi) Conclusion: The Success and Failure of U.F. A. Delegate Democracy
4. English Social Credit: The Social and Economic Theory
i) The Scope and Appeal of English Social Credit
ii) Social Development and Moral Purpose
iii) Technology and the Cultural Heritage
iv) The A plus B Theorem
v) The Broader Case for Social Credit
5. English Social Credit: The Political Theory and Practice to 1935
i) The Non-Political Character of the Early Douglas Movement
ii) The Rudimentary Political theory of the Early Douglas Writings
iii) The Green Shirts - A Political Movement
iv) The Douglas Theory and Practice of Political Action, 1934-5
6. Social Credit in Alberta: Aberhart Theory and Practice 1932-7
i) The Alberta Political Norm
ii) Formative Conditions of the Alberta Social Credit Movement
iii) Aberhart Doctrine and Practice, to the 1935 Election
iv) Aberhart Political Practice: The First Eighteen Months of Office
7. Social Credit in Alberta: The Recrudescence and Decline of Douglasism
i) Political Implications of the 1937 Insurgency
ii) English Social Credit Doctrine, the Last Phase, 1937-49
iii) The Failure of Alberta Delegate Democracy: Cabinet, Board, Legislature, and Convention, 1937-9
iv) Douglasism versus Cabinet Government in Alberta, the Last Phase, 1939-49
v) The Legacy of Douglasism in Alberta
8. The Quasi-Party System
i) The Pattern of Alberta Radicalism
ii) Political Implications of Independent Commodity Production
iii) The Deterioration of Albertan Democracy
iv) The General Theory

Subject Headings

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