The Art of Loving

Fromm, Erich
Publisher:  Bantam Books
Year First Published:  {12037 The Art of Loving ART OF LOVING Fromm, Erich Bantam Books Love, according to Erich Fromm, is the only satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. 1956 1963 118pp B Book 152.4 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Foreword <br> <br>I. Is Love an Art? <br> <br>II. The Theory of Love <br>1. Love, the answer to the Problem of Human Existence <br>2. Love between Parent and Child <br>3. The Objects of Love <br>a. Brotherly Love <br>b. Motherly Love <br>c. Erotic Love <br>d. Self-Love <br>e. Love of God <br> <br>III. Love and Its Disintegration in Contemporary Western Society <br> <br>IV. the Practice of Love <br> <br>Epilogue, by Ruth Nanda Anshen CX6177 1 false true false CX6177.htm [0xc00022edb0 0xc0007076b0 0xc000852cf0] Cx}
Year Published:  1963
Pages:  118pp     Dewey:  152.4
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6177

Love, according to Erich Fromm, is the only satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.


Table of Contents


I. Is Love an Art?

II. The Theory of Love
1. Love, the answer to the Problem of Human Existence
2. Love between Parent and Child
3. The Objects of Love
a. Brotherly Love
b. Motherly Love
c. Erotic Love
d. Self-Love
e. Love of God

III. Love and Its Disintegration in Contemporary Western Society

IV. the Practice of Love

Epilogue, by Ruth Nanda Anshen

Subject Headings

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