The American Worker

Romano, Paul; Stone, Ria
Publisher:  Bewick/Ed, Detroit, USA
Year First Published:  {12028 The American Worker AMERICAN WORKER Romano, Paul; Stone, Ria Bewick/Ed Detroit USA A description and analysis of the lives of American factory workrers after the Second World War, written by a young autoworker. 1947 1972 70pp BC12028s-AmericanWorker.jpg PMP Pamphlet - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction <br>Preface <br> <br>Part I: Life in the Factory <br>1. Introduction <br>2. The Effects of Production <br>3. A Life-Time Transformed into Working Time <br>4. Since the War Ended <br>5. The Inefficiency of the Company <br>6. Management's Organization and the Workers' Organization <br>7. Strata Among the Workers <br>8. The Contradiction in the Factory <br>9. Conclusion <br> <br>Part II: The Reconstruction of Society <br>10. Introduction <br>11. The Permanent Revolution in the Process of Production <br>12. The Human Nature of Industry <br>13. Class Individual and the Social Individual <br>14. In Society with Other Men <br>15. The Crisis of the Capitalist <br>16. The Workers Critique of Politics CX6168 1 false true false CX6168.htm [0xc000add080 0xc002643410 0xc002851800] Cx}
Year Published:  1972
Pages:  70pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX6168

A description and analysis of the lives of American factory workrers after the Second World War, written by a young autoworker.


Table of Contents


Part I: Life in the Factory
1. Introduction
2. The Effects of Production
3. A Life-Time Transformed into Working Time
4. Since the War Ended
5. The Inefficiency of the Company
6. Management's Organization and the Workers' Organization
7. Strata Among the Workers
8. The Contradiction in the Factory
9. Conclusion

Part II: The Reconstruction of Society
10. Introduction
11. The Permanent Revolution in the Process of Production
12. The Human Nature of Industry
13. Class Individual and the Social Individual
14. In Society with Other Men
15. The Crisis of the Capitalist
16. The Workers Critique of Politics

Subject Headings

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