How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility
Publisher:  Sources, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {10261 How Sources magnifies your Internet visibility HOW SOURCES MAGNIFIES YOUR INTERNET VISIBILITY Sources Toronto Canada How the high Internet ranking of the Sources Web site helps magnify the public profile of organizations and companies who are listed in Sources. 2006 2009 5pp ART Article When you are in SOURCES, your media profile, including your expertise and your contact information, is there working for you whenever a reporter turns to SOURCES, as they do thousands of times every week. More than four thousand journalists a day use the SOURCES Web site to find the spokespersons they need. Every time they do, each one looks at an average of five or six listings to find the most appropriate contacts to call. In addition, more than 10,000 copies of the print edition of SOURCES are in use on journalists' desks. Every time they use Sources, in print or online, your media profile is right there, telling them about you. CX5861 1 false true false CX5861.htm [0xc000c12f00 0xc000c13050 0xc000c13bc0 0xc000c462a0 0xc000c46360 0xc000c468d0 0xc000c473b0 0xc00161e5d0 0xc00161eea0 0xc001e0d5f0 0xc001e26600 0xc001e27d10 0xc001e27ef0 0xc00229c600 0xc00229c660 0xc00229c780 0xc0022b8960 0xc0023de1e0 0xc0001b07e0 0xc0005bc210 0xc0005bc510 0xc0005bc6f0 0xc0005bc810 0xc00017e7e0 0xc000c972c0 0xc000dd4600 0xc000dd5ad0 0xc0001601b0 0xc0001d5950 0xc0001f9e90 0xc0002266f0 0xc00024d170 0xc00027c0c0 0xc00027c4b0 0xc00027c750 0xc000919290 0xc000317a70 0xc00034ac60 0xc00034baa0 0xc0006f2c90 0xc0006f36b0 0xc00075d560 0xc00075d5f0 0xc00077d290 0xc0007ae4b0 0xc0008a7020 0xc0008cf1d0 0xc0008cfb30 0xc0008cfc20 0xc0008ee930 0xc000f03c80 0xc001383f50 0xc001465da0 0xc001489da0 0xc0014a85d0 0xc0014a8d50 0xc0014fb5c0 0xc001523d70 0xc001c197d0 0xc001c2c5d0 0xc001c2cf60 0xc001c2d350 0xc001c2d590 0xc001c2d770 0xc001c2d920 0xc001c421e0 0xc001c42660 0xc0005e9140 0xc000913f80 0xc000af13b0 0xc000b32810 0xc000b32f60 0xc000b33590 0xc00113bd40 0xc0011b8030 0xc0011e3830 0xc001210e40 0xc0012fd020 0xc0012fd5f0 0xc001c37c50 0xc001c5e450 0xc001c5e690 0xc0024221b0 0xc0024224e0 0xc002423aa0 0xc002190ff0 0xc0026bd890 0xc00013d020 0xc0027149c0 0xc002715080 0xc002715350 0xc002715590 0xc002715860] Cx}
Year Published:  2009
Pages:  5pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX5861

How the high Internet ranking of the Sources Web site helps magnify the public profile of organizations and companies who are listed in Sources.

When you are in SOURCES, your media profile, including your expertise and your contact information, is there working for you whenever a reporter turns to SOURCES, as they do thousands of times every week. More than four thousand journalists a day use the SOURCES Web site to find the spokespersons they need. Every time they do, each one looks at an average of five or six listings to find the most appropriate contacts to call. In addition, more than 10,000 copies of the print edition of SOURCES are in use on journalists' desks. Every time they use Sources, in print or online, your media profile is right there, telling them about you.

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