Macroanalysis Bibliography For Canadian Groups

Renshaw, Dick
Publisher:  Coady House, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  17pp   Price:  $.35   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX41

A collection of Canadian materials to accompany a seminar programme to develop social change programs.

Macroanalysis is the process by which concerned people study the big picture of social reality and try to apply the fidnings to their social actions and their lifestyle. The seminars last about 20 weeks, operate best with 10-12 participants, have a democratic group process, and provide a structure which helps groups develop their own creative social change programs. Their content includes readings and discussions in five areas: (1)ecology, (2) Canadian relations to Third World Nations, (3) Canadian domestic problems, (4) visions of alternative orderings of society, and (5) strategies for social change. The booklet: "On Organizing Macro Analysis Seminars: A Manual" explains how to organize and conduct macro analysis seminars. It includes group processes, outlines for seminar sessions etc.

The Canadian Bibliography offers a Canadian focus for this process with outlines of group readings for each session and an outline of where to order the material described. Among material considered is that produced by GATT-FLY, Pollution Probe, Catholic Bishops' Labour Day Statements, Ten Days for World Development material, United Church Broadsheets, Canadian News Synthesis special reports, Latin American Working Group publications and SCM study kits. Among books considered are The Poverty Wall by Ian Adams and This Land is not for Sale by Hugh and Karmel McCullum.

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