![]() 101 Ways To Market Your Books For Publishers and Authors
Kremer, John
Publisher: Ad-Lib Publications, Fairfield IA USA, USAYear First Published: {8336 101 Ways To Market Your Books For Publishers and Authors ONE HUNDRED AND ONE WAYS TO MARKET YOUR BOOKS FOR PUBLISHERS AND AUTHORS Kremer, John Ad-Lib Publications Fairfield IA USA USA Advice for book publishers and authors about how to market their books. 1988 1989 448pp BC8336-101WaysToMarket.jpg B Book 0-912411-20-1 Z278.K72 1986 070.5 While 101 Ways is written for publishers and authors, much of the information in it can be used by any organization which produces published or other resource materials for sale. Topics covered are ways of getting publicity, reaching schools and libraries effectively, designing promotional materials, and planning strategy. Enevenly written and organized, but contains plenty of useful ideas. CX3343 0 false true false CX3343.htm [0xc0012526f0 0xc00151a120 0xc001531320 0xc0012dfd70 0xc002277620] Cx} Year Published: 1989 Pages: 448pp ISBN: 0-912411-20-1 Library of Congress Number: Z278.K72 1986 Dewey: 070.5 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX3343 Advice for book publishers and authors about how to market their books. Abstract: While 101 Ways is written for publishers and authors, much of the information in it can be used by any organization which produces published or other resource materials for sale. Topics covered are ways of getting publicity, reaching schools and libraries effectively, designing promotional materials, and planning strategy. Enevenly written and organized, but contains plenty of useful ideas. Subject Headings |