B.C. Blackout
Periodical profile published 1984

Year Published:  1984
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2968

B.C. BLACKOUT is a bi-weekly four-page newsletter dealing with a variety of current issues from an anarchist perspective. Civil liberties and freedom are themes appearing regularly in its pages. B.C. BLACKOUT has carried extensive coverage of the trials and motivations of the "Vancouver 5." The coverage attempted to situate the actions with which the Five were charged in the larger comtext of the environmental and peace movements, indicating how they were conceived not in a mindless imnpulse toward violence but in an atmosphere of frustaration endangeered by the refusal of governments to respond to peaceful protests and public opinion.

B.C. BLACKOUT regularily turns its attention to critiquing the prison and legal systems, and the actions of the police and security apparatuses. Also featured have been coverage of anti-labour legislation in British Columbia, and broader coverage of Socred (always referred to as "Soakhead") social and economic policies. Each issue carries a "What's On" section on events in the Vancouver area.
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