![]() Community economic development in rural Canada
Publisher: Love Printing Services, Ottawa, CanadaYear Published: 1983 Dewey: 333.38 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX2805 A guide to developing a self-reliant process of asking the right questions in creating community-based employment in small, non-urban communities across Canada. Abstract: The HANDBOOK FOR PRACTITIONERS is a addressed to "people who may be working on creating community-based employment in small, non-urban communities across Canada". Nevertheless, the HANDBOOK can easily be adapted to other circumstances. It has two distinct parts: community development and business development.Communities with the limited goal of developing a business enterprise could get by with reading the second part of this HANDBOOK, but those who have broader, more comprehensive goals will have to address the community development principales presented in the first part. The HANDBOOK presents questions for each community to examine and answer for itself rather than "expert" answers provided by well-meaning outside technical assistants. The authors warn that the HANDBOOK should not be used as a source of answers but as a guide to developing a self-reliant process of asking the right questions. The book contains checklists to guide community actions,case studies, and information on leadership, the hiring of consultants, and the balance between social and economic factors. The experiences of Irish Moss harvesters on P.E.I., New Dawn Enterprise in Sydney, N.S., the Jamestown Lumber Company of Newfoundland, and the Fogo Island Co-op in Newfoundland are summarized. - Table of Contents To the Reader 1. Community Development i) Getting Started ii) The Planning Group and the Community iii) Processes for Community Development iv) A Community Plan 2. Business Development i) Ideas for Business Enterprises ii) The Feasibility of Your Idea iii) A Corporate Form iv) The Board of Directors, Management and the Organized Approach v) Funding vi) The Last Word Appendix 1: Information Resources Appendix 2. Suggested Readings Subject Headings |