Quicksilver and Slow Death
A study of mercury pollution in Northwestern Ontario
Publisher: Ontario Public Interest Research Group, Waterloo, Canada
Year Published: 1976
Pages: 28pp Price: $0.50 Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX242
A comprehensive paper describing the causes and effects of mercury pollution.
The plight of the victims of mercury pollution has come into the foreground in recent years. Whether they live in Minimata, Japan or on the Grassy Narrows Indian Reserve in Northern Ontario, the symptoms are the same - birth defects, loss of coordination, and psychological disorders. This comprehensive paper describes the causes and effects of mercury pollution; it further reports the response to this issue on the part of the government as well the Indians who are struggling to restore a sense of justice and normalcy to their lives. A generous use of photos and graphic illustrations contribute to the report's effectiveness. The National Indian Brotherhood, The Quaker Committee for Native Concerns and Grand Council Treaty No. 3 and 9 assisted OPIRG in producting this report.
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