Israel's New Land Law: Clearing the Path to Annexation
Cook, Jonathan
http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/02/08/israels-new-land-law-clearing-the-path-to-annexation/Date Written: 2017-02-08 Publisher: Counter Punch Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX20317 The Israeli parliament passed the legalisation law on Monday night, widening the powers of Israeli officials to seize the final fragments of Palestinian land in the West Bank that were supposed to be off-limits. Abstract: - Excerpt: Palestinian leaders warned that the law hammered the last nail in the coffin of a two-state solution. Government ministers gleefully agreed. For them, this is the extension of Israeli law into the West Bank and the first step towards its formal annexation. The legalisation law - also commonly translated from Hebrew as the regulation or validation law - was the right's forceful response to the eviction last week of a few dozen families from a settlement "outpost" called Amona. It was a rare and brief setback for the settlers, provoked by a court ruling that took three years to enforce. Subject Headings |