The Real Link Between Israel's Forest Fires and Muezzin Bill

Cook, Jonathan
Date Written:  2016-11-29
Publisher:  Counterpunch
Year Published:  2016
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX20224

Examines and contextualizes the discriminatory 'muezzin bill', which would ban the broadcasting of Muslim calls to prayer in Israel.



The "muezzin bill" does not arrive in a politically neutral context. The extremist wing of the settler movement championing it has been vandalising and torching mosques in Israel and the occupied territories for years.

The new bill follows hot on the heels of a government-sponsored expulsion law that allows Jewish legislators to oust from the parliament the Palestinian minority’s representatives if they voice unpopular views.


Today, for many Israeli Jews, only the muezzin threatens this contrived idyll. His intermittent call to prayer emanates from the dozens of Palestinian communities that survived 1948's mass expulsions and were not replaced with pine trees.
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