The Struggle for South Africa: Volume 1
A Reference Guide to Movements, Organizations and Institutions in the 80's

Davies, R; Dlamini, S; O'Meara, D
Publisher:  Zed
Year First Published:  {47073 The Struggle for South Africa: Volume 1 STRUGGLE FOR SOUTH AFRICA VOLUME 1 A Reference Guide to Movements, Organizations and Institutions in the 80's Davies, R; Dlamini, S; O'Meara, D Zed This updated new editon of Zed Books' two-volume reference guide on South Africa covers events since 1984 during which the low-intensity armed struggle has grown into a national insurrection. Volume 1 focusses on the capitalist class, its allies, policies and state structures. 1984 1988 288pp B Book 0-86232-225-1 CX19691 0 false true false CX19691.htm [0xc0017fffb0 0xc00273c8a0] Cx}
Year Published:  1988
Pages:  288pp   ISBN:  0-86232-225-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX19691

This updated new editon of Zed Books' two-volume reference guide on South Africa covers events since 1984 during which the low-intensity armed struggle has grown into a national insurrection. Volume 1 focusses on the capitalist class, its allies, policies and state structures.

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