The Brave Cowboy: An Old Tale in a New Time
Abbey, Edward
Publisher: Avon BooksYear First Published: {44122 The Brave Cowboy: An Old Tale in a New Time BRAVE COWBOY AN OLD TALE IN A NEW TIME Abbey, Edward Avon Books Jack Burns has a steadfast refusal to accept the what he perceives as the tyranny of the twentieth century world he lives in. As he gets in trouble with the law, he finds himself running away from the authorities. 1956 1992 297pp BC44122s-Abbey-BraveCowboy.jpg B Book 0380714590 CX17600 0 false true false CX17600.htm [0xc0003d9800] Cx} Year Published: 1992 Pages: 297pp ISBN: 0380714590 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX17600 Jack Burns has a steadfast refusal to accept the what he perceives as the tyranny of the twentieth century world he lives in. As he gets in trouble with the law, he finds himself running away from the authorities. Subject Headings |