The New Untouchables
Immigration and the New World Worker
Harris, Nigel
Publisher: I.B. Tauris & Co, London
Year Published: 1995
Pages: 288pp ISBN: 978-1850439561
Library of Congress Number: HD6300.H37 1995 Dewey: 304.8/2
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX15932
This book examines migration as a response to changes in the world economy. Harris shows that despite tighter controls, increasing numbers of workers are moving, whether legally or nor, between countries. Unskilled immigrant workers play a vital role in improving standards of living in the developed world. In turn, the countries from which they have come benefit in a major way from the earnings sent back home. Arguing that few of the fears about immigration are justified, and that increased imigration tends to mean that jobs and incomes expand, this work shows why governments will have to ensure the freedom of people to come and go as they choose.