![]() The Story of Fabian Socialism
Cole, Margaret
Publisher: Science EditionsYear Published: 1961 Pages: 366pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX15030 A history of the Fabian Society and the organizations and individuals who were part of the Fabian milieu. Abstract: - Table of Contents PREFACE PART ONE Early Days,1883-1894 I THE SMALL BEGINNING II THE SEED-BED III THE EARLIEST YEARS IV `FABIAN ESSAYS IN SOCIALISM' V THE FIRST BLOOMING VI POLITICS AND THE I.L.P VII FABIANS AND FABIANISM IN THE 'NINETIES PART TWO Interregnum, 1894-1906 VIII THE HUTGHINSON TRUST AND THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS X THE LABOUR REPRESENTATION COMMITTEE AND TRACT 70 XI FABIAN 'ABERRANCES' The South African War The Education Acts Fiscal Policy PART THREE Boom and Conflict, 1906-1914 XII THE SECOND BLOOMING The Election of 1906 and its meaning The Episode of Mr Wells Constitutional change and new groups-the Fabian Nursery and the Women's Group-discussions on Parliament XIII CONFLICT Disillusion with Liberalism The Poor Law Commission and the Poor Law Campaign The Fabian Reform Committee The Guild Socialist rebellion and the Research Department The New Statesman PART FOUR The Ways Divide,1914-1938 XIV WAR AND POST-WAR The Impact of War; Orthodoxy and Rebellion Webb, Henderson, and the Labour Party-'the inevitability of gradualness' Guild Socialism and the Labour Research Department The Fabian Society to 1920 XV THE NINETEEN-TWENTIES The Fabian Society in the 'twenties-the Half-Circle Club-the Local Government Bureau -the Nursery and the New Fabian Group' 'Fabianism' in Oxford-the 'Cole Group'and the General Strike PART FIVE Amalgamation and Revival, 1938-1960 XVII A MARRIAGE ARRANGED Amalgamation and the new constitution Webb and Cole-a comparison Revival and the 'phoney war'. Wartime organisation After 1940-work in the blitz -the socialist Propaganda Committee XVIII THE THIRD BLOOMING Effects of war on Socialist thought The Society and the Labour Party. The Local Societies The Fabian Colonial Bureau The Fabian International Bureau Home Research XIX THE LATEST YEARS XX EPILOGUE - THE RECORD OF FABIANISM APPENDICES I Rules and Basis of the Society II Fabian Officers III Distribution of Fabian Societies at first and third 'peaks' IV Overseas Fabianism V The Fabian Summer School INDEX OF PERSONS GENERAL INDEX Subject Headings |