Socialist Register 2000
Volume 36: Necessary and Unnecessary Utopias
Panitch, Leo; Leys, Colin (eds.)
Year Published: 2000
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX12744
Table of Contents
Socialist Register 2000 Preface -Leo Panitch, Colin Leys
Transcending Pessimism: Rekindling Socialist Imagination -Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin
Minimum Utopia: Ten Theses -Norman Geras
Utopia and its Opposites -Terry Eagleton
On the Necessity of Conceiving the Utopian in a Feminist Fashion -Frigga Haug
Socialized Markets, not Market Socialism -Diane Elson
The Chimera of the Third Way -Alan Zuege
Other Pleasures: The Attractions of Post-consumerism -Kate Soper
Utopian Families -Johanna Brenner
Outbreaks of Democracy -Ricardo Blaug
Real and Virtual Chiapas: Magic Realism and the Left -Judith Adler Hellman
The Centrality of Agriculture: History, Ecology And Feasible Socialism -Colin Duncan
Democratise or Perish: The Health Sciences as a Path for Social Change -Julian Tudor Hart
The Dystopia of our Times: Genetic Technology and Other Afflictions -Varda Burstyn
Warrior Nightmares: Reactionary Populism at the Millennium -Carl Boggs
The Real Meaning of the War Over Kosovo -Peter Gowan
Subject Headings