The Socialist Register 1984
Volume 21: The Uses of Anti-Communism
Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.)
Publisher: The Merlin Press
Year Published: 1984
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX12733
Table of Contents
Socialist Register 1984 Preface -Ralph Miliband, John Saville
Reflections on Anti-Communism -Ralph Miliband, Marcel Liebman
Fighting the Cold War on the Home Front: America, Britain, Australia and Canada -Reg Whitaker
Ernest Bevin and the Cold War 1945-1950 -John Saville
Anti-Communism and American Intervention in Greece -Martin Eve
Anti-Communist Activism in Belgium, 1930-1944 -Rudi Van Doorslaar
Anti-Communism and the Korean War. 1950-1953 -Jon Halliday
Anti-Communism in the Federal Republic of Germany -William Graf
The Irony of Anti-Communism: Ideology and Interest in Post-war American Foreign Policy -Alan Wolfe
Waging Ideological War: Anti-Communism and US Foreign Policy in Central America -Philip Brenner
Anti-Communism in Guatemala: Washington's Alliance with Generals and Death Squads -James F. Petras, Morris H. Morley
Soviet Expansionism and Expansive Anti-Sovietism -Xavier Zeebroek
From the Wretched of the Earth to the Defe ce of the West: An Essay on Left Disenchantment in France -Jean Pierre Garnier, Roland Lew
The Stalinists of Anti-Communism -Pascal Delwit, Jean-Michel Dewaele
Religion and Anti-Communism: The Case of the Catholic Church -Francois Houtart
Subject Headings