The Socialist Register 1983
Volume 20: A Survey of Movements & Ideas
Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.)
Publisher: The Merlin Press
Year Published: 1983
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX12732
Table of Contents
Socialist Register 1983 Preface -Ralph Miliband, John Saville
Women, Class and Family -Dorothy E. Smith
Masculine Dominance and the State -Varda Burstyn
The Labour Party and the Future of the Left -David Coates
Socialist Advance in Britain -Ralph Miliband
The British Peace Movement and Socialist Change -Richard Taylor
C.R. Attlee: An Assessment -John Saville
HIM and his Friends -Paul Foot
The Soviet Union at the Beginning of a New Era -Roy Medvedev
Nuclear Strategies and American Foreign Policy -Paul Joseph
Imperialism and Intervention in the Third World: U.S. Foreign Policy and Central America -James F. Petras, Morris H. Morley
Marxism Without Class Struggle? -Ellen Meiksins Wood
Andre Gorz and his Disappearing Proletariat -Richard Hyman
Marx, Blanqui and Majority Rule -Monty Johnstone
Subject Headings