![]() In and against the state
Mitchell, Jeanette; Mackenzie, Donald; Holloway, John; Cockburn, Cynthia, et al
http://libcom.org/library/against-state-1979Publisher: London Edinburgh Weekend Return Group Year First Published: {30831 In and against the state IN AND AGAINST THE STATE Mitchell, Jeanette; Mackenzie, Donald; Holloway, John; Cockburn, Cynthia, et al http://libcom.org/library/against-state-1979 London Edinburgh Weekend Return Group The state is not neutral. It does provide services and resources which most of us need – education, health care, social security. But it does not do so primarily for the good of the working class. It does it to maintain the capitalist system. Although the state may appear to exist to protect us from the worst excesses of capitalism, it is in fact protecting capital from our strength by ensuring that we relate to capital and to each other in ways which divide us from ourselves, and leave the basic inequalities unquestioned. 1979 1980 BC30831-InAgainstState.jpg B Book CX12527 0 false true false CX12527.htm [0xc0001d7ec0 0xc00266d350] Cx} Year Published: 1980 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX12527 The state is not neutral. It does provide services and resources which most of us need – education, health care, social security. But it does not do so primarily for the good of the working class. It does it to maintain the capitalist system. Although the state may appear to exist to protect us from the worst excesses of capitalism, it is in fact protecting capital from our strength by ensuring that we relate to capital and to each other in ways which divide us from ourselves, and leave the basic inequalities unquestioned. Subject Headings |