The Socialist Register 1987
Volume 23: Conservatism in Britain and America: Rhetoric and Reality
Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo; Saville, John (eds.)
Publisher: The Merlin Press
Year Published: 1987
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX11984
This is a collection of 17 articles that touch on some of the main issues posed by neo-conservatives in Britain and America: foreign policy, social welfare, market ideology, taxation, monetarism to name but a few. Other original pieces are Scott Forsythe's "Evil Empire: Spectacle and Imperialism in Hollywood", Harvey Kaye's "The Use and Abuse of the Past: "The New Right and the Crisis of History" and Joel Kovel's "The Theocracy of John Paul II".
Table of Contents
Socialist Register 1987 Preface -Ralph Miliband, Leo Panitch, John Saville
Neo-Conservatism and the State -Reg Whitaker
The Price of Alliance: American Bases in Britain -John Saville
The Reagan Doctrine and the Third World -Larry Pratt
Evil Empire: Spectacle and Imperialism in Hollywood -Scott Forsyth
The Thatcher Years -Bill Schwarz
Reagan, the Business Agenda and the Collapse of Labour -Kim Moody
Social Policy in the Age of Reagan and Thatcher -Joel Krieger
Thatcherism and Women: After Seven Years -Elizabeth Wilson
Liberalism, Feminism and the Reagan State -Zillah Eisenstein
The Old and the New Politics of Taxation -James E. Cronin, Terry G. Radtke
Law and Order, Moral Order. The Changing Rhetorics of the Thatcher Government -Ian Taylor
The Use and Abuse of the Past: The New Right and the Crisis of History -Harvey J. Kaye
Ideology and Markets: Economic Theory and the 'New Right' -Ben Fine, Laurence Harris
Capitalist Crisis and the Rise of Monetarism -Simon Clarke
The Theocracy of John Paul II -Joel Kovel
Freedom, Democracy and the American Alliance -Ralph Miliband
Socialists and the 'New Conservatism' -Ralph Miliband, Leo Panitch
Subject Headings