Hamilton Tenant
A guide to tenants' rights and the Landlord and Tenant Act

Publisher:  Housing Education Service, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  22pp   Price:  $0.20   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX118

A guide to the rights and obligations of tenants as set out in the current (1967) legislation.

The Housing Education Service performs the roles of counselling, mediation, education (e.g. seminars, articles for publication, etc.) and public advocacy. This document is a guide to the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants as set out in current (1967) provincial legislation known as the Landlord and Tenants Act. Table of contents include "Who does the Landlord and Tenant Act apply to, Tenancy Agreements, Subletting, Termination of Tenancy Agreement, Evictions, Repairs, proceeding to court and "Rent Review".

Subject Headings

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