You, You and You!
The People Out of Step with World War II
Grafton, Pete
Publisher: Pluto Press, United Kingdom
Year Published: 1981
Pages: 169pp ISBN: 0-86104-360-X
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX11652
First hand accounts of men, women and children living through World War II.
Pete Grafton's You, You & You! The People Out of Step with World War II documents a side of the Second World War often overlooked by social historians and authors. Relying on first hand accounts of men, women and children living through the conflict, Grafton paints a vivid picture of the turbulent climate during the wartime years. From stories of Jewish children growing up in Britain and Germany to accounts of social activists and soldiers protesting against the war, the compilation highlights ordinary individuals' perspectives commonly overshadowed by the glorified bombings and battles of the war.
Grafton allows the writings to speak for themselves leaving out any room for personal comments or persuasive arguments. Presented as a linear narrative beginning in 1939 and ending in 1946, the author captures the atmosphere of individuals caught between their own personal experiences and the aspirations of their nation as a whole. Transcribed from audio recordings taken during interviews, the language expresses a realistic and grounded perspective on the war time years. The interviewees reflect several facets of British society, providing readers with a glimpse into the hearts and minds of everyday people who didn't 'fit in' to the myth of national solidarity.
[Abstract by William Stevenson]
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