The Retreat from Class
A New 'True' Socialism

Wood, Ellen Meiksins
Publisher:  Schocken Books
Year First Published:  {26333 The Retreat from Class RETREAT FROM CLASS A New 'True' Socialism Wood, Ellen Meiksins Schocken Books 1986 1999 BC26333-RetreatFromClass.jpg B Book 0-8052-7280-1 In this classic study, which won the Isaac Deutscher Memorial Prize, Ellen Wood provides a critical survey of influential trends in “post-Marxist” theory. Challenging their dissociation of politics from class, she elaborates her own original conception of the complex relations between class, ideology and politics. In the process, Wood explores the links between socialism and democracy and reinterprets the relationship between liberal and socialist democracy. <br> <br>In a new introduction, Wood discusses the relevance of The Retreat from Class in a post-Soviet world. She traces the connections between post-Marxism and current academic trends such as postmodernism and argues that a re-examination of class politics is a necessary counter to the current cynical acceptance of capitalism. CX11437 0 true true false CX11437.htm [0xc00028ca50 0xc0002a0060 0xc0002a1b30] Cx}
Year Published:  1999
ISBN:  0-8052-7280-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX11437

In this classic study, which won the Isaac Deutscher Memorial Prize, Ellen Wood provides a critical survey of influential trends in “post-Marxist” theory. Challenging their dissociation of politics from class, she elaborates her own original conception of the complex relations between class, ideology and politics. In the process, Wood explores the links between socialism and democracy and reinterprets the relationship between liberal and socialist democracy.

In a new introduction, Wood discusses the relevance of The Retreat from Class in a post-Soviet world. She traces the connections between post-Marxism and current academic trends such as postmodernism and argues that a re-examination of class politics is a necessary counter to the current cynical acceptance of capitalism.

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