UK miners' strike (1984 - 1985)
Connexipedia Article
Year First Published:  {24780 UK miners' strike (1984 - 1985) UNITED KINGDOM MINERS STRIKE 1984 1985 Connexipedia Article A major industrial action affecting the British coal industry. 1984 1985 ART Article CX10003 0 false true false CX10003.htm [0xc0016747e0 0xc0001a56e0 0xc0001da9f0 0xc000aba0c0 0xc000c390b0 0xc00095c390 0xc00099e3c0 0xc002539050] Cx}
Year Published:  1985
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX10003

A major industrial action affecting the British coal industry.

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