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Connexions Library

Girl Child: A Mother's Grief
A tragic tale.
Glyphosate found in breast milk
A pilot study of American mothers' milk has found levels of the herbicide glyphosate around 1,000 times higher than allowed in European drinking water. Campaigners are demanding a ban on the use of gl...

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Infact Canada/Infant Feeding Action Coalition
To promote better infant and maternal health by protecting breastfeeding and fostering appropriate infant feeding practices in Canada and internationally.
Ontario Public Health Association
To enhance the health of all the people of Ontario and to eliminate all preventable health problems.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Big business censorship
Boura, Malcolm
Big business is almost entirely unaccountable. Some of the worst offenders are US corporations exporting harmful attitudes from the USA to the rest of the world. We suspect that some of them are drive...
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia
The Human Significance of the Skin
Montagu, Ashley
An analysis of the skin regarded as a sense organ rather than as a simple bodily covering.