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Connexions Library

The Anatomy of Judgment
Regal, Philip J.
Tracing the emergence of science and the social institutions that govern it, The Anatomy of Judgment is an odyssey into what human thinking or judgment mean.
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
Doidge, Norman
Doidge explains neuroplasticity and shows that the brain is not a collection of specialized parts but a dynamic organ and can rewire and rearrange itself as the need arises.
Man, Beast and Zombie: What Science Can and Cannot Tell Us About Human Nature
Malik, Kenan
Drawing upon the ideas of evolutionary biology, cognitive science and artificial intelligence, Malik questions many of our assumptions about human nature.

Sources Library

The Ghost in the Machine
Koestler, Arthur
An analysis of the relationship between reason and imagination.
How Brain Scientists Forgot That Brains Have Owners
Yong, Ed
Five neuroscientists argue that fancy new technologies have led the field astray.
Tales of Music and the Brain
Sacks, Oliver
Oliver Sacks explores the place music occupies in the brain and how it affects the human condition. In Musicophilia, he examines the power of music through the individaul experiences of patients, musi...
Talk Talk Talk
An Investigation into the Mystery of Speech
Ingram, Jay
Ingram explores the many aspects of talking.
The Human Significance of the Skin
Montagu, Ashley
An analysis of the skin regarded as a sense organ rather than as a simple bodily covering.

From the Connexions Archives

Poor Memory leads to fame
Sears, Val
Researcher Dr. Fergus Craik discusses his life, his work and, of course, his memory.