News and Letters, October-November 2009

News & Letters,
October - November 2009


Afghan lives and freedom sucked into U.S. quagmire

Afghan lives are the last thing considered in all the wrangling in the U.S. around the fraud-ridden election, and Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal's much anticipated assessment of the U.S. war effort there.  

Rising fascism grounded in American racism

The tens of thousands who participated in the reactionary Sept. 12 march on Washington, D.C., signaled an ominous new challenge from the far Right.


Specters haunting G-20

Underneath the G-20 happy talk is anxiety over the creation of value in the real economy, where the damage from the world economy's first contraction since the 1930s is permanent. The world's producers of value, workers, especially the poor, are the ones really suffering.

From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya

East European revolt and the re-creation of Marx's Marxism

November marks 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, which crystallized the collapse of state-capitalism calling itself Communism in all of East Europe. As the East European revolts and the work of socialist humanist dissidents were both crucial for the development of Marxist-Humanism, we present brief excerpts from a lecture Raya Dunayev­skaya gave on her books Marxism and Freedom, Philosophy and Revolution, and Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution in relationship to the rise of Solidarity followed by martial law in Poland, 1980-82.


Childcare and Marx's vision of the future

For capitalism, what counts as real is only what produces value. Education is of concern to capitalism only as an "expense," which it seeks to minimize. Fighting for issues that women raise as women is crucial to the next revolution's success in making a new beginning in human development after capitalism.

Workshop Talks

Job cuts guarantee needless deaths

Healthcare rationing? Death panels? We've been constantly subjected to these scary phrases from the right-wing propagandists, warning us that with President Obama's healthcare reform, government bureaucrats will pull the plug on grandma.

Eyewitness report on Honduras resistance

The Resistance movement has become not only a path towards the masses' dignity, but the most participatory reclaiming of democracy on the American continent. It's a movement that posits a new relation between the political and the private with its slogan: "Against the coup d'etat, against the coup on women."

La resistencia como camino a la dignidad popular. Honduras, el Golpe de estado y la asamblea constituyente

La Resistencia al Golpe se ha convertido no sólo en un camino hacia la dignificación popular, sino en el más participativo de los reclamos de democracia de todo el continente americano, el único que reclama masivamente la relación entre lo político y lo privado: "Ni golpe de estado, ni golpes a las mujeres".

World in View

Egyptian textile workers' actions spread

Women textile workers have played a vital role in Egypt's labor movement in recent years. Their militancy was described by one union leader at Mahalla's Misr Spinning and Weaving plant: "The women [workers] almost tore apart every representative from the management who came to negotiate. The women were more militant than the men. They were subject to security intimidation and threats, but they held out."



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