News and Letters, December 2008 - January 2009

News & Letters,
December 2008 - January 2009

News and Letters has moved. Our new address and an invitation.


Outpouring for Obama points beyond election to quest for full freedom

No one can dismiss the historic importance of a Black man winning the presidency of so racist a land as the U.S. has proved to be since its very birth. Throughout the whole campaign, the hundreds of thousands who had poured out to Obama's rallies had been seen by some pundits as portending nothing less than a "revolutionary political shift." What made it "revolutionary" was that the aspirations of those thousands who poured out went deeper into freedom than just political freedom, to self-determination in everyday life.

From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya

The philosophic foundation of Marxism

Raya Dunayevskaya's June 11, 1957, letter to Herbert Marcuse on her then new book Marxism and Freedom. He had asked while writing a preface to the book, "Could you send me a brief statement on what you consider to be the main thesis (or theses) and the basic trend of thought in your book?"

On 50th anniversary of Marxism and Freedom

It is crucial to look anew at Raya Dunayevskaya's Marxism and Freedom 50 years after its first publication. The philosophic category developed in the book is "the movement from practice that is itself a form of theory."

'The movement is ours!': Lesbian activist critique

The passage of California's Proposition 8--the notorious amendment to the state constitution that bans marriages between same-sex couples--revealed incredible contradictions within the U.S. Queer rights movement.


The moment Lenin missed: what kind of labor?

Lenin experienced something akin to a philosophic moment in 1914-15, when he turned to his study of Hegel's Science of Logic in order to resolve the crisis in Marxism brought on by World War I and the collapse of the Second International. Yet Lenin's philosophic reorganization remained in a separate compartment from the concept of the party and the practice of vanguardism.

Republic Windows and Doors sit-in stops bosses' wage theft

Workers sitting in at Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago after the company tried to close its doors permanently on Dec. 5 told us what led up to the occupation.

Left split in Ecuador

At the same time as the government is standing up to the big lenders, there are signs of a rift with the environmental movement, the Indigenous community, and large segments of labor and social movements.


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