News and Letters, June-July 2008

Breaking news direct from Zimbabwe: parties negotiate while population suffers

News & Letters,
June - July 2008


World food crisis stirs revolt

In the past few months, world hunger turned to revolt, and the specter of social revolution returned to the scene. Suddenly, the rulers heard the cries of the hungry and scrambled to make a show of action only to end up with what social movements called "Empty Policies for Empty Plates."


A Report and an Appeal

The Special Convention of News and Letters Committees, held in Chicago on May 25, was a reaching out for a New Beginning by the revolutionary Marxist-Humanist organization founded by Raya Dunayevskaya in 1956. From its birth, our concept of organization was "responsibility for the Idea of Marxism for our age." Never was this more needed than for today's world in crisis.

From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya

The near-revolution of France, 1968: Why did it fail?

The 40th anniversary of 1968 has occasioned much discussion of that year of near-revolution. Many retrospectives have focused on the uprising in France, where the student revolt was joined by mass strikes and factory occupations by workers. Raya Dunayevskaya's analysis was written in the midst of the events and was originally published in the June-July 1968 N&L


A Different Look at the May 1968 French Revolt

It shouldn't be forgotten that 1968 was a year for many other uprisings and near-revolutions: England, Mexico, Brazil, and Czechoslovakia being the most prominent among literally hundreds; not to mention the revolt of women, African Americans, and anti-war youth all over the U.S. But it was in France, an "advanced" First World country, where the revolt was the deepest, and students and workers were almost able to reconstruct society on totally different grounds.


Freedom, necessity, and post-capitalist society

The concepts of necessity and freedom are central both for how Dunayevskaya conceptualized the transition from capitalism to post-capitalist society and for the dialectic that links Hegel and Marx's ideas.

Silence the Violence

Silence the Violence started off with a whole different campaign in the prisons. A kid got killed in the CYA (California Youth Authority). Then a kid got out of the CYA and then he got killed in the street and we thought we need to focus on the violence outside the prisons. We trying to teach the youth to think before they react. You don't gotta bust nobody's head.

New South Korean resistance

May of this year in Korea started with a public gathering called "Candle Light Culture Festival," but the festival turned into a demonstration against the current president, Lee Myung-bak, and his government.


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