
Roe v. Wade... v. 'Roe'

Won by Love: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe V. Wade, Speaks Out for the Unborn ...
by Norma McCorvey With Gary Thomas, Thomas Nelson Inc., January 1998

Norma McCorvey was the plaintiff in Roe vs. Wade because she had been unable to get an abortion for her third pregnancy at age 21. She told her story in her first autobiography, I AM ROE, written with Andy Meisler. She described herself as a "rough, simple woman" who had addictions, anger, and trouble dealing with people. She was made a spokesperson for the pro-choice movement and given a job at an abortion clinic.

Her second autobiography, WON BY LOVE, which supposedly provides an insider's view of feminism and the abortion "industry," describes her conversion to anti-choice fundamentalism. It becomes clear that the well-written commentary on the need for abortion rights in her first book was written by Meisler because her second book depicts grotesque inaccuracies about abortion clinics.

We are expected to believe in blood on walls, sleazy barefoot doctors, and fetuses "stacked like cordwood." Abortion clinic staffers are depicted as using drugs and alcohol to deal with the supposed horror of what they are doing, as well as giving cocaine to patients.

Patients are described as impulsive, over-emotional women who would benefit from a 24-hour waiting period so that they can think about anti-abortion propaganda. During a time when clinics are forced to close due to ridiculous legal restrictions, McCorvey tells us that the clinics have fewer restrictions than veterinary clinics. Abortion providers and catfighting feminists are depicted as not caring about the safety of abortion.

Most shocking of all is McCorvey's explanation of the purpose of our fight for abortion rights, not for control over our own bodies and the course of our lives and not to sometimes save our lives or our health, but for people to have "less taxes," "pursue their careers with abandon," and "live together and break up without the worry of who gets saddled with custody." She describes herself as the former "enemy of children" and thinks that we want a "quiet world" with no children.

Even though this book was written several years ago, it is still relevant. That's because Operation Save America and other anti-choice groups trot out McCorvey to give speeches at rallies and events. The mainstream media take what she says at face value, so it's important for us to know the facts.


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