
NEWS & LETTERS, June-July 2006

Vet’s anti-war diary

Memphis, Tenn.--"What the hell is going on in Crawford, Texas with this Cindy Sheehan?" I wondered. The situation last summer was causing controversy, so I was motivated to go there and check things out.

Upon arriving with a few friends, we set up a tent in the ditch and proceed to acclimate ourselves. The first irony was an Iraq War vet walking patrol to assure that the Pro-War, Pro-Bush, anti-Sheehan crowd would not cause any more problems, as had occurred by a fellow driving his truck dragging chains over the wooden crosses placed to signify U.S. troop deaths in Iraq. 

A Vietnam-Era veteran myself, I was profoundly impacted by the presence of the groups affiliated with Cindy’s effort to ask Bush for what noble cause had her son died. George didn’t take time from his vacation ranch to answer this question. Goldstar Moms, Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), Veterans for Peace (VFP) and Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) all participated in the event.

Having aggressively pursued anti-war activities prior to the beginning of this Iraqi slaughter, I was prompted to again aggressively involve myself in efforts to stop this war.


Returning to Memphis, I joined Veterans for Peace and began a process to establish a VFP Group here.

Next stop: Washington, D.C., Bush was back from his vacation. We’re still here, George, and not going away until the killing stops.

The next scheduled event was a march from Mobile, Ala. to New Orleans. The purpose was to draw attention to the devastation along the Gulf Coast caused by Katrina and the failure to invest the dollars necessary to avert a disaster of this magnitude. The money and National Guard are supporting the Iraq War. The five-day trek allowed me to connect more deeply with these folks and we became more of a family.

Joining VFP, IVAW, MFSO and Goldstar Families, I journeyed to Atlanta for the anti-war protest marking the third year of this immoral war. This was Atlanta’s largest antiwar march. The momentum is growing and my desire is to fuel that momentum by all means possible. Our chicken hawk leader should be impeached and our troops brought home now.


Just returned from the New York City April 29 anti-war march, joining VFP and 350,000 persons opposed to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, this War and its supporters. People are coming together, but not quickly enough. The death of American troops today reached 2,420. Thousands wounded, innocent Iraqis slaughtered, and the souls of our young men and women demoralized.

If you are a veteran, get involved. If not a veteran, you can join VFP as an associate member. Iraq Vets check out the IVAW website, ivaw.net. If you have family in the service join MFSO, or after the ultimate sacrifice of a loved one, Goldstar Families. It’s happening, please join us.

--Mike Hearington

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