
NEWS & LETTERS, August-September 2006

Haitian women speak

New York-Two Haitian community activists spoke here July 17 about that nation's ongoing political struggles and resistance "through women's eyes." Ginette Apollon began by identifying herself as a militant feminist, unionist and nurse. President of the Commission of Women Workers of a major union, one of the largest labor federations in Haiti, and also of a community organization that organizes working-class women around issues of women's rights, education, HIV-AIDS prevention and treatment, and economic empowerment, she also works with young homeless prostitutes.

The other speaker, Rea Dol, coordinates a federation of women's organizations that focus on similar issues. A member of the community organization SOPUDEP, which opened 37 centers for older women and teaches literacy to street vendors and others, she co-founded and directs their school that  serves poor children.

Both women discussed the current repression against activists and backers of deposed President Bertrand Aristide. Apollon and her husband were arrested following the U.S.-backed coup two years ago; she was so mistreated by the police that she required hospitalization. Many women died struggling against the coup, and the repression continues. Countless girls and women are victimized because they or their families are involved with pro-democracy organizations, peasant unions or local women's groups.

Now UN troops are there "keeping order," but the soldiers are involved in many crimes and in stirring up conflict in poor neighborhoods. In Cite Soleil, the largest slum in the capital, soldiers sit in the market at night, grab women and rape them.

Apollon and Dol demanded Aristide's return, as did a demonstration of 400,000 people on July 10. They seek international support for Haiti's demand that France pay back the money it extorted for a century after Haiti won its independence. Apollon said, "We need a total revolution for justice and liberation."

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