
NEWS & LETTERS, April-May 2006

Protest Republicans

Memphis, Tenn.--The fascist Republicans had their Southern Leadership Conference here in March. I and about a dozen other activists had a little protest against Bush and the Republican Party’s neo-fascist agenda. We got a lot of positive response from people driving by, a few not so positive, but the real shock for me was engaging these ignorant Republicans who still support Bush (the 36% or so left who do). Would you believe these sheep still believe the lie that Bush invaded Iraq because they attacked us on September 11, 2001?! They think Bush has been protecting us from terrorism? Scary.

Harold Ford, Jr., our Democratic Congressman, came by the Peabody Hotel, where the Republicans were meeting, and shook our hands. He said he supports us, until I told him who I was and that I ran against him as a write-in candidate in 2004. He said I disrespected him, and I told him to run as a Democrat and quit running as a Republican and get a backbone.

I saw Tennessee Senator Bill Frist, who won the straw poll at the conference as the favorite candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential race, and booed when he crossed the street to have dinner.

--Jim Maynard

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