
NEWS & LETTERS, September-October 2005

'Ex-Gay' movement challenged

Memphis, Tenn.--The Queer Action Coalition (QAC) started when 16-year-old Zach wrote in his blog that his parents were sending him to "Love in Action" (LIA), a fundamentalist Christian program, that claimed to "heal" homosexuality.

In June, a few Memphis youth activists began to hold twice-weekly demonstrations outside LIA, and soon, the number of demonstrators of all ages and sexual orientations swelled to about fifty. Our goals were to educate the public that these programs exist.

People who experienced them and the American Psychological Association agree that homosexuality cannot and does not need to be "cured," and that the programs are harmful.

QAC also pointed out that the religious right is targeting teenagers, who can be forced to attend these programs. QAC has had respectful dialogue with the people who run LIA and with its clients and has maintained that it is possible to be both gay and Christian.

Signs said, "Homosexuality is not a disease. It can’t be ‘cured,’" "Give these kids their rights," "Fear gay people, they might spread happiness," and "We love you just the way you are." The response from people driving by was overwhelmingly positive, and so was the response from the police.

QAC’s demonstrations provoked national and international media interest. LIA has been investigated on a child abuse complaint. It was dismissed but, at the time of this writing, LIA has received a cease and desist order from the Tenn. Dept. of Health and Developmental Disabilities because it claimed to have licensed mental healthcare professionals on its staff.

In fact, the "ex-gay" movement has started to give up its claims of changing gay people into heterosexuals and now states its focus is on encouraging them to be celibate and to exhibit so-called "gender appropriate" behavior.

QAC has received training from national LGBT organizations and is prepared for future queer rights demonstrations. We also have a speaker’s bureau and have given talks for church groups. Our websites are www.qaconline.org and www.fightinghomophobia.blogspot.com.


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