
NEWS & LETTERS, October 2004

Quebecor presses don't stop for fire

Covington, Tenn.--Recently there was a fire at the Quebecor printing plant here, where I work. It happened on third shift. The fire started in the paper warehouse about 5:30 a.m.

There are 100 or so people working on each shift, all in the same building as the paper warehouse.

Workers wanted to leave, but were told to keep working. The fire alarm went off for 45 or 50 minutes before management shut the presses down and evacuated the press room. When I came to work at 7:00 that morning, everybody was standing outside the plant anyway.

They bring out packets every other month showing what to do in case of a fire or other emergency, but they didn’t go by that. They stress it all the time: you do this when a fire is going on, or a tornado. Then when it happens, they don’t go by it.

People said it’s wrong. The union’s supposed to be filing a complaint, and we’re signing a petition, and some people are going to testify about this. Quebecor already has 22 charges against them.

--Quebecor worker

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