
News and Letters, May 2004

Lead Article

Siege of Falluja underscores bloody cost of Iraq occupation

The brutal military tactics by the U.S. military to suppress the recent uprisings have exacerbated the hostility felt by most Iraqis towards the occupation. The most reactionary elements of the resistance are gaining confidence and support and are already dead set against the real forces of radical change in Iraqi society. Some here are finding their voices of solidarity with the revolutionary dimensions.


The Rwanda genocide, ten years later

On the tenth anniversary of the Rwanda genocide, it's time for the Left and the peace movement to rethink a narrow form of anti-imperialism that has led to a failure to develop an adequate critique of narrow nationalism and religious fundamentalism. Now the people of Darfur in Sudan need our deepest solidarity.

From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Marxist-Humanist Archives

'Marx's Humanism Today'

SOCIALIST HUMANISM was an international forum for scholars and revolutionaries writing about an independent brand of Marxism. Edited by Eric Fromm and first published in 1965, it included an essay by Raya Dunayevskaya, "Marx's Humanism Today." In the first of three installments," we reprint this essay on Marx's new continent of thought, especially the concepts found in CAPITAL.

Women make history in massive rally

The massive March for Women's Lives stunned the sponsors as busloads of women poured out on the mall in front of the Capitol. Likely the largest march in U.S. history, it happened in one of America's most retrogressive times for women. An eye-witness report conveys the spirit of the movement to expand reproductive rights.

Afghan letter to the Left

Has the anti-war movement forgotten about the country the U.S. invaded before Iraq? "Empire is being built on the backs of Afghans and it is up to us to recognize it and address it," declares Sonali Kolhatkar of the Afghan Women's Mission.

Iraqi labor defense

Issam Shukri, an Iraqi labor organizer and a founder of the Union of Unemployed in Iraq (UUI), is eager to make friends with labor militants and radicals in the U.S. He and his comrades in Iraq oppose any actions that abrogate the workers' right to represent themselves and any efforts of those in power to split workers along religious, ethnic and tribal lines.


The two-fold legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg's sensitivity to conditions in the non-European world become even more evident from material in the new Rosa Luxemburg Reader. The anthology also shows her two-fold legacy, a fervent opposition to all forms of capitalism-imperialism while never wavering from criticizing anti-imperialist tendencies which failed to grasp the importance of spontaneous initiative, freedom of thought, and democratic deliberation.


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