
NEWS & LETTERS, June 2004

Fred's warehouse workers continue struggle

Memphis, Tenn.--Fifteen or so activists from several different organizations met together to brainstorm about how to support warehouse workers at Fred’s, who after a two-year struggle finally won union recognition but still have no contract.

Several Fred’s workers were present and talked about their conditions and struggles. Many union members have recently been fired “in all kinds of ways,” on trumped-up charges, and the union is negotiating to get their jobs back. They talked of how the company keeps coming to the table but each time changing the package that they had offered in the previous session. They are stalling, a usual tactic, but they do it in such a way that the company can’t be charged with negotiating in bad faith, even though they are.

When asked why workers were so determined to have the union and a decent contract one worker said, “It’s because of the inhumane way they treat us.” He then related a story of a dangerous snowstorm in Memphis where the authorities were urging everyone to stay off the road. Fred’s management took that opportunity to fire a lot of people. He said, “We had people who come to work from as far away as Batesville, Miss., and would never miss a day, but couldn’t get in that day. They got points and some were fired.

Even people who had never said anything before were outraged about this and spoke out. Another worker said, “We had layoffs in August and after a month they called people back but at a lower paid job. Most were jobs these people couldn’t work. They had women handling huge boxes. They terminated their unemployment. It was mostly union people.”

Ideas the group came up with were to have different organizations each take a day in the month to protest at different Fred’s stores, to picket, pray there, and pass out informational leaflets. One suggestion was to hook up with students involved in anti-sweatshop organizing; another was to hold regular fasts, and a third was to make a stink at the Fred’s stockholders meeting. As long and as nasty as this struggle has been, Fred’s workers are still going strong and have community support.

--Marxist-Humanist supporters

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