
NEWS & LETTERS, June 2002 


The permanent militarism George W. Bush imposed within the first year of his stolen presidency was not only a permanent war against any he and John Ashcroft designated as the "enemy" but first and foremost against the forces for freedom right here at home. Since September 11, he has made quick use of that terrorist attack to push through his reactionary agenda at home, at the same time that he has sought to assure the counter-revolutionary dominance of U.S. imperialism over the entire world. This has helped to stoke the move to the Right which has become more and more evident in recent months, whether the shocking election in France that moved the anti-Semite and neo-fascist Le Pen to second place in the first round, or Ariel Sharon's attacks on the Palestinian people.

Everywhere the rulers have been using September 11 to try to divert attention from the economic stagnation that is truly global and the racist, sexist, exploitative conditions ordinary people are suffering everywhere. It is not that the forces for freedom have not been letting known their opposition to these horrors of capitalism everywhere. Their voices are heard in every issue of NEWS & LETTERS.

You heard them in the May issue raised by the thousands of youth who marched in Washington, D.C. against Bush's wars at home and abroad, the World Bank and globalization, and against the attacks on the Palestinian people. You can hear them raised in this issue by welfare mothers fighting the new attacks on women in poverty, by the Immokalee laborers battling Taco Bell, by Black firefighters demanding the end of racist hiring. And in every issue you will hear the growing voices of prisoners demanding an end to the "criminal INjustice system."

Never was it more important not to separate these voices of protest from the articulation of a philosophy of revolution which you find in every issue of N&L. What makes that more crucial this year is the need for a total view that does not allow separating the question of what you are for from what you are against.

What has distinguished N&L and Marxist-Humanism this year has been our refusal to separate the fight against Christian fundamentalism and Bush's wars at home and abroad from the struggle against terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism—and aligning firmly, instead, with the forces fighting both. It is why we have made available to anyone who sends for it our statement on, "Confronting Permanent War and Terrorism: Why the Anti-War Movement Needs a Dialectical Perspective." In the July issue you will read our Draft for Perspectives for concretizing this further in the year ahead.

But we cannot do it without your help to keep NEWS & LETTERS going! As we have done every year since we began in 1955, we must once again turn to you, our readers, to help us meet the ever-rising costs for our office rent and the printing of N&L. The new postage increases that begin at the end of June will be a special blow to us this year! We also plan to issue a new edition of AMERICAN CIVILIZATION ON TRIAL. This fundamental work that places the revolutionary Black dimension as vanguard for the creation of a new society based on human foundations is now almost out of print. That printing bill alone will come to well over $5,000.


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