MIA: M.I.A. Library: Marx & Engels: Collected Works

Marx/Engels Collected Works

This is the listing of the Marx/Engels Collected Works (MECW), as compiled and printed by Progress Publishers of the Soviet Union in collaboration with Lawrence & Wishart (London) and International Publishers (New York), starting in 1975 and completed in 2005. Students and scholars should be aware that we have only transcribed most of the first 10 volumes, up to 1851 plus occasional pieces from elsewhere of the Marx Engels Collected Works and that there are 50 volumes in all. This compilation is the most complete publication of the works of Marx/Engels in English ever undertaken, and it was a massive publishing effort to gather and translate these resources into English. The MECW has by far the best translations in any language, better than the Russian and at the moment more complete that the German originals or those in any other language including the Russian. Our MECW version does however contain typographical errors caused by the transcription by different hands and machines while the many other pieces that we have, whether before or after 1851, are much less reliable and the texts are sometimes unclear. The volume of manuscripts from Marx and Engels continues to grow, beyond the selection available in the MECW, and readers interested in following the progress of this work can visit The Institute of Social History in Amsterdam.

The majority of works published by the MIA are not the same translation used by Progress Publishers.

Any students or researchers who are consulting Marx/Engels should certainly use the MECW published by Lawrence and Wishart, or International Publishers and get their College Libraries to purchase it. Details of prices from these publishers. There is an American firm - Intelex which has digitised the MECW. This is available via institutional login: Intelex: Past Masters: Marx.

General IntroductionPubl.
Volume 1(M) August 1835-March 1843.1975
Volume 2(E) August 1838-December 1842.1975
Volume 3(M) March 1843-Aug 1844. (E) May 1843-June 1844.1975
Volume 4(M/E) 1844-45, incl. Holy Family & Condition of Working Class1975
Volume 5(M/E) April 1845-April 1847, including German Ideology.1975
Volume 6(M/E) 1845-48, including Poverty of Philosophy and Manifesto1976
Volume 7(M/E) 1848, articles for Neue Rheinische Zeitung.1977
Volume 8(M/E) 1848-49, articles from Neue Rheinische Zeitung.1977
Volume 9(M/E) 1849, articles from Neue Rheinische Zeitung.1977
Volume 10(M/E) 1849-51, including Peasant War in Germany1978
Volume 11(M/E) 1851-53, including Eighteenth Brumaire1979
Volume 12(M/E) 1853-54, mainly on British Colonialism.1979
Volume 13(M/E) 1854-55, re Revolutionary Spain and Crimean War.1980
Volume 14(M/E) 1855-56, incl. material on British politics and Crimean War.1980
Volume 15(M/E) 1856-58, mainly Europe and India.1986
Volume 16(M/E) 1858-60, mainly events in Europe1980
Volume 17(M/E) 1859-60, including Herr Vogt and military matters.1981
Volume 18(M/E) 1857-62, Articles for Encyclopaedia.1987
Volume 19(M/E) 1861-64, including material on American Civil War1984
Volume 20(M/E) 1864-68, including Value, Prices and Profit.1985
Volume 21(M/E) 1867-70, re International Workingmen's Association.1985
Volume 22(M/E) 1870-71, re Fanco-Prussian War.1986
Volume 23(M/E) 1871-74, re International, Bakunin, Housing Question.1988
Volume 24(M/E) 1874-83, Crit. / Gotha Prog. & Utopian & Scientific1989
Volume 25(E) Anti-Dühring, Dialectics of Nature1987
Volume 26(E) 1882-89, including Origin of the Family, etc1990
Volume 27(E) 1890-95, re Europe.1990
Volume 28(M) Economic Works, 1857-18611986
Volume 29(M) Economic Works, 1857-18611987
Volume 30(M) Economic Works, 1861-18631988
Volume 31(M) 1861-63, Economic Manuscripts1989
Volume 32(M) 1861-63, Economic Manuscripts1989
Volume 33(M) 1861-63, Economic Manuscripts1991
Volume 34(M) Economic Works, 1861-18641994
Volume 35(M) Capital, Volume I1996
Volume 36(M) Capital, Volume II1997
Volume 37(M) Capital, Volume III1998
Volume 38(M/E) 1844-51, Letters1982
Volume 39(M/E) 1852-55, Letters1983
Volume 40(M/E) 1856-59, Letters1983
Volume 41(M/E) 1860-64, Letters1985
Volume 42(M/E) 1864-68, Letters1987
Volume 43(M/E) 1868-70, Letters1988
Volume 44(M/E) 1870-73, Letters1989
Volume 45(M/E) 1874-79, Letters1991
Volume 46(M/E) 1880-83, Letters1992
Volume 47(E) 1883-86, Letters1995
Volume 48(E) 1887-90, Letters2001
Volume 49(E) 1890-92, Letters2001
Volume 50(E) 1892-95, Letters2004


The MECW is not the complete works. The following material is available on MIA which is not included in the MECW:

Notes on Ricardo, Marx, 1845 Marx's Mathematical Manuscripts, 1881
Fragments on Literature and Art as well as some of the material in the
Biographical section and in the
International Workingmen's Association Section.


This site has scanned articles covering all 50 volumes: University of Chicago.

You can download large image files of some volumes of MECW from the following share sites:

Volume 8, Volume 12, Volume 19, Volume 22, Volume 23, Volume 24, Volume 25,
Volume 27, Volume 28, Volume 29, Volume 30, Volume 46, Volume 47, Volume 48,
Volume 49, Volume 50.

The Marxists Internet Archive takes no responsibility for the quality or validity of these links, and have no knowledge of their origin.