Marx's Grundrisse: Footnotes

82. Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy, p. 84.

83. Charles Ganilh, Des systémes d'économie politique, Paris, 1809, Vol. I, pp. 76-7.

84. The Economist, Vol. V, No. 215, 9 October 1847, p. 1158.

85. The Economist, Vol. IX, No. 386, 18 January 1851, p. 59.

86. The Economist, Vol. I, No. 37, 11 May 1844, p. 771.

87. William Hampson Morrison, Observations on the System of Metallic Currency Accepted in this Country, London, 1837, p. 13.

88. John Fullarton, On the Regulation of Currencies, 2nd edn, London, 1845, pp. 7-10.

89. Morrison, Observations, pp. 21-5.

90. Urquhart, Familiar Words, pp. 104-5.

91. Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Vol. I, pp. 100-101.

92. J. S. Mill, On the Principles of Political Economy, London, 1848, Vol. II, pp. 17-30.

93. M. Augier, Du crédit public, Paris, 1842, pp. 95, 101.

94. Storch, Cours d'économie politique, Vol. II, pp. 109-14.

95. Augier, Du crédit public, p. 128.

96. Fullarton, On the Regulation of Currencies, pp. 102-4.

97. D'Avenant, Discourses on the Publick Revenues, and on the Trade of England, Pt II, London, 1698, p. 16.

98. Jacob, An Historical Inquiry, Vol. I., p.302

99. ibid., Vol. II, pp.214-15

100. Bray, Labour's Wrongs, pp. 140-41.

101. Free Trade, or the Meanes to Make Trade Flourish, anonymously published in London (1622) by Edward Misselden, p. 21.

102. The Bank Restriction Act of 1797, under which the Bank of England was allowed to suspend cash payments.

103. J. G. Hubbard, The Currency and the Country, London, 1843, p. 33.

104. Garnier, Histoire de la monnaie, Vol. I, p. 24

105. ibid., p. 7.

106. The Economist, Vol. XVI, No. 768, 15 May 1858, pp. 536-7, article by James Maclaren, entitled 'Literature. A Sketch of the History of the Currency, comprising a Brief Review of the Opinions of the Most Eminent Writers on the Subject'.

107. This is the earliest part of the manuscript of 1857-8; it was written in July 1857. It occupies the first seven pages of a notebook which, when it became part of the Grundrisse manuscript, obtained the designation 'Notebook III'.

108. Bastiat, Harmonies économiques, p.364 n.

109. Bastiat, Harmonies économiques, p. 388.