The Life and Work of Karl Marx.
A son Karl is born to barrister Heinrich Marx and his wife, Henriette, in Trier | |
A son Frederick is born to textile manufacturer Friedrich Engels and his wife, Elisabeth, in Barmen | |
Revolution in France | |
September |
Revolution in Belgium |
1830-31 |
Uprisings in Poland |
October 1830 |
Karl Marx is enrolled at the Trier Gymnasium |
Uprisings of Lyons weavers in France | |
The Hambach festivities, a mass political demonstration in the Palatinate demanding the unification of Germany and political freedoms | |
Chartism, the first mass revolutionary workers’ movement, emerges in England | |
Marx graduates from the Trier Gymnasium and receives his school-leaving certificate | |
October |
Marx enrols at Bonn University as a law student |
Marx is engaged to Jenny von Westphalen in Trier | |
Mid-October |
Marx moves to Berlin. On October 22, he enrols at Berlin University as a law student and soon becomes a member of the Young Hegelian Doctors’ Club |
When on vacation in Stralow, a suburb of Berlin, Marx begins a serious study of Hegel’s philosophy | |
Marx’s father dies | |
Marx studies the history of philosophy, mainly in Antiquity. Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature is the subject of his Doctoral Dissertation | |
March 30-early April 1841 |
Marx graduates from Berlin University, and submits his dissertation to the University of Jena |
April 15 |
The University of Jena confers on him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy |
Marx writes Comments on the Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction, a critique of the Prussian feudal-absolutist system. That was Marx’s first piece of journalism | |
May 1842 |
Marx begins to contribute to the Rheinische Zeitung founded in Cologne by the liberal bourgeoisie of the Rhine Province. His articles stress the need to protect the rights of the toiling masses |
Marx becomes editor-in-chief of the Rheinische Zeitung. Under his direction the paper’s line becomes increasingly more revolutionary and democratic. Marx’s articles denoted a shift from revolutionary democracy to communist ideas | |
Latter half of November 1842 |
Marx first meets Engels, who visits the Rheinische Zeitung offices in Cologne on his way to England |
January 19, 1843 |
The Prussian Government decides to ban the Rheinische Zeitung as of April 1, and introduces an especially stringent censorship for it in the interim |
March 18 |
Police reprisals launched by Prussian authorities made further publication of the paper impossible. Marx is forced to resign |
May-October |
Marx stays at Kreuznach, a small resort town, where Jenny; von Westphalen and her mother were staying at the time. There, Marx begins critical revision of Hegel’s doctrine of the state and law. The outcome of this work is an unfinished manuscript, published for the first time in 1927 in the Soviet Union under the title, Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law. Simultaneously, Marx studies world history, concentrating on analysis of socioeconomic and sociopolitical processes. Seeing that political activity in Germany is impossible, Marx decides to move to France. He negotiates the publication in Paris of a magazine, Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher |
June 19, 1843 |
Marx marries Jenny von Westphalen |
Late October |
Marx and his bride move to Paris, where he takes up the history of the French Revolution, studies the work of utopian socialists and English an French economists. In Paris, Marx attends workers’ meetings, gets in touch with the leaders of the secret League of the Just, and meets member of clandestine French workers’ societies |
Late December |
Marx meets Heinrich Heine |
The first and last, and double, issue of the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher comes out in Paris. Marx’s articles in it show his final acceptance of materialism and communism | |
April-August |
Marx works on Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in which he criticises bourgeois political economy for the first time |
May 1, 1844 |
A daughter, Jenny, is born to Karl and Jenny Marx |
June 4-6 |
The uprising of the Silesian weavers |
August 7 and 10 |
Vorwärts!, a German-language newspaper in Paris, publishes Marx’s article, Critical Marginal Notes on the Article ‘The King of Prussia and Social Reform. By a Prussian’. It underscores the tremendous significance of the Silesian uprising as an intimation of the power of the working class |
August 28 |
Marx and Engels meet in Paris; this is the beginning of a lifelong friendship and joint work. They embark on their first joint venture, The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism. Against Bruno Bauer and Company |
Early September |
After staying with Marx for ten days, Engels returns to Barmen, Germany, where he becomes involved in socialist propaganda, speaking at workers’ meetings. He also works on the book, The Condition of the Working-Class in England |
Under pressure of the Prussian government, Marx is ordered to leave France | |
Early February |
Marx moves to Brussels, where his family joins him in mid-February |
Late February |
Marx’s and Engels’s book, The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism. Against Bruno Bauer and Company, appears in Frankfort on the Main. It expounds the foundations of the revolutionary materialist outlook |
Spring, c. April |
Marx writes Theses on Feuerbach which Engels describes as “the first document in which is deposited the brilliant germ of the new world outlook” |
Early April |
Engels moves from Barmen to join Marx in Brussels |
April-December | Marx and Engels establish contacts with Belgian democrats and socialists |
Late May |
Engels’s The Condition of the Working Class in England, which, as Lenin put it, “was a terrible indictment of capitalism and the bourgeoisie”, is published in Leipzig |
July 12-August 21 |
Marx and Engels visit England to study the latest English books on economics and also to gain insight into England’s economic and political life and the English working-class movement. In London, Marx and Engels get in touch with Chartist leaders and heads of the London communities of the League of the Just |
September 26 |
Marx’s daughter Laura is born |
Marx and Engels work on The German Ideology, developing the principles of historical materialism and criticising Ludwig Feuerbach, Bruno Bauer and Max Stirner, as well as the theory of the “true socialists”. The book’s publication in Germany was made impossible due to the terms of the censorship. The book first appeared in the Soviet Union in 1932 | |
December 1, 1845 |
Marx renounces his Prussian citizenship due to mounting persecution by the Prussian police |
Early 1846 |
Marx and Engels set up the Communist Correspondence Committee in Brussels with a view to ideologically and organisationally uniting the socialists and the more politically aware workers of different countries, and paving the way for the establishment of an international proletarian organisation |
May 5 |
The Brussels Communist Correspondence Committee adopts the Circular against Kriege, criticising the sentimental preaching of the “true socialists” |
Marx’s son Edgar is born | |
Late January 1847 |
The London Committee of the League of the Just sends its representative, Joseph Moll, to Marx and Engels with a proposal that they join the League, take part in its reorganisation and draw up a new programme. Marx and Engels accept the proposal |
January-June 15 |
Marx is working on The Poverty of Philosophy. Answer to the ‘Philosophy of Poverty’ by M. Proudhon |
June 2-9 |
A congress of the League of the Just, in which Engels takes part, is held in London. The League of the Just is renamed the Communist League. The congress lays the foundation for an entirely new organisation with new ideological principles and structure. Engels participates in drawing up the new Rules subject to approval by the next congress. The congress also adopts the new motto of the League suggested by Marx and Engels, “Working Men of All Countries, Unite!” |
Early July | Marx’s Poverty of Philosophy is published in French in Brussels. Lenin regarded it as one of the first works of mature Marxism |
August 5 |
On Marx’s suggestion a community and district organisation of the Communist League are set up in Brussels |
August-September |
The Westphälische Dampfboot journal prints one of the chapters of The German Ideology containing criticism of “true socialism” |
Late August |
On Marx’s and Engels’s initiative, a German Workers’ Society is established in Brussels; it unites mostly German working-class refugees |
Marx and Engels contribute to the Deutsche-Brüsseler-Zeitung which, up to its last issue published on February 27, 1848, was, to all intents and purposes, the organ of the Communist League | |
September-November 1847 |
Marx helps set up the Brussels Democratic Association which unites proletarian revolutionaries and bourgeois and petty-bourgeois democrats |
November 15 |
Marx is elected Vice-President of the Brussels Democratic Association |
November 29-December 8 |
London is the venue of the Second Congress of the Communist League, with Marx and Engels taking part in it. The congress supports their stand, and instructs them to draft the programme of the League in the form of a manifesto. The congress approves the Rules of the Communist League |
Latter half of December |
Marx delivers lectures on political economy at the German Workers’ Society. They come to be known as Wage Labour and Capital |
Early January 1848 |
Revolutionary events begin to brew in Italy. Revolution in Palermo |
February 22-24 | Revolution in France |
Late February |
Marx’s and Engels’s Manifesto of the Communist Party, the first programme document of scientific communism, is published in London |
February 28 |
On behalf of the Brussels Democratic Association, Marx signs a greeting to the Provisional Government of the French Republic |
March 1 |
Ferdinand Flocon, a member of the Provisional Government of the French Republic, invites Marx to France |
March 3 |
The King of Belgium orders Marx out of the country within 24 hours. The Brussels Central Authority of the Communist League announces its dissolution and transfers its scat to Paris. Marx is authorised to form a new Central Authority there |
March 4 |
Marx and his wife are kept under arrest for 18 hours by the Brussels police. They and the children leave Brussels and head for France |
March 5 |
Marx arrives in Paris where, on the instruction received from the Central Authority, he forms a new central body of the Communist League |
Early March |
On Marx’s suggestion, a German Workers’ Club is set up in Paris. At its meetings, Marx opposes the adventurist “export of revolution” planned by the petty-bourgeois leaders of the German émigrés in Paris |
March 13 |
Revolutionary events flare up in Vienna |
March 15 |
Revolution begins in Hungary |
March 18 |
Barricade fighting in Berlin |
March 21 |
Engels arrives in Paris |
Late March |
In view of the revolution in Germany, Marx and Engels draw up the Communist League’s political platform in the revolution: the Demands of the Communist Party in Germany |
Early April |
Marx and Engels go to Germany to take part in the revolution |
April 11 |
On arrival in Cologne, Marx and Engels endeavour to start a daily paper |
May 31 |
The first issue of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung dated June 1 is published in Cologne, its subtitle being Organ der Demokratie. Marx is its editor-in-chief, and Engels an editor. Marx and Engels use the paper to campaign for a unified democratic German state and support the peasants’ and workers’ struggle and the national liberation movement in Bohemia, Italy, Poland, and other countries |
June 23-26 |
Rising of the Paris proletariat |
June 29 |
The Neue Rheinische Zeitung carries Marx’s article The June Revolution on the heroic effort of Paris workers |
August 23-September |
Marx goes to Vienna and Berlin to establish contacts with democratic and workers’ organisations, and to collect money for the publication of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung |
August 30 | Marx speaks at the first Vienna Workers’ Association on social relations in Europe and the place of the proletariat in the revolutionary struggle |
September 2 | Marx speaks at the first Vienna Workers’ Association on wage labour and capital |
September 13 | On the initiative of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, a mass public meeting is held in Cologne to rebuff counter-revolution. It elects a Committee of Public Safety, including Marx, Engels and other editors of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. The Committee is to be the organising centre for the revolutionary struggle |
September 25 | Due to the defeat of the Frankfurt uprising and the declaration of a state of siege in Cologne, publication of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung is suspended |
October 3 | |
October 6-31 | Uprising in Vienna ending in victory for the counter-revolution |
November 7 | The Neue Rheinische Zeitung prints Marx’s article, The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna |
November 8 | Counter-revolutionary coup in Prussia |
November 11 | In view of the Prussian counter revolutionary coup, the Neue Rheinische Zeitung campaigned for refusal to pay taxes to undermine the finances of the counter-revolution and rally the masses |
December | Marx publishes a series of articles, The Bourgeoisie and the Counter-Revolution, analysing specific aspects and the main stages of the revolution in Germany |
Trials of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, and Marx as its editor-in-chief, on charges of insulting the authorities. At the trials, Marx and Engels defend their newspaper and freedom of the press in Germany. The jury brings in a verdict of not guilty | |
April 5-8 and 11 | The Neue Rheinische Zeitung prints Marx’s Wage Labour and Capital |
Early May | Armed uprisings flare up in Dresden, the Palatinate, Baden and Rhenish Prussia in defence of the Imperial Constitution adopted by the National Assembly on March 28, 1849. The Neue Rheinische Zeitung takes the side of the insurgents and urges them to close their ranks |
May 10-15 | Engels takes part in the Elberfeld uprising |
May 16 | The Prussian authorities hand Marx a government order to leave Prussia. Legal proceedings are instituted against Engels for participating in the Elberfeld uprising |
May 19 | The last, “red” issue of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung is published. Marx and Engels go to South-Western Germany, where the revolutionary events are still in progress. Engels is involved in the Baden-Palatinate uprising |
Early June | Marx comes to Paris, where a major revolutionary outburst is expected. However, democratic petty-bourgeois leaders fail to direct the struggle of the people, and an attempted uprising fails |
August 23 | Marx is ordered by the French authorities to leave Paris within 24 hours |
August 26 | After being deported from Paris, Marx arrives in London, where his family joins him on September 17. In London, he helps organise the work of the Communist League’s Central Authority, and sets up a Committee of Support for German Political Refugees |
Early September | Marx joins the London German Workers’ Educational Society closely associated with the Communist League |
November 5 | A fourth child, son Heinrich Guido, is born to the Marxes |
c. November 10 | Engels arrives in London |
Marx lectures on political economy and the Manifesto of the Communist Party at the Educational Society | |
March 1850 | Marx and Engels draw up the “Address of the Central Authority to the League, March 1850”, one of the first documents summing up the experience of the proletariat in the past revolution and outlining the action programme of Communists for the future |
March 6-November 29 | Marx and Engels publish six issues of the magazine, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-ökonomische Revue, which prints Marx’s The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 and Engels’s The German Campaign for the Imperial Constitution and The Peasant War in Germany, as well as a number of international and other jointly written reviews |
Spring | Marx resumes his study of political economy |
Early June | Marx and Engels write the second “Address of the Central Authority to the League, June 1850”, with tactical and organisational advice and instructions to local branches |
November 19 | Heinrich Guido Marx dies |
November | On the proposal of the London District of the Communist League, the Cologne Central Authority expels the Willich Schapper faction for disruptive activities. Engels moves to Manchester and joins the Ermen & Engels firm. This enables him to offer regular financial assistance to the Marx family |
Marx’s daughter Franziska is born | |
June 1851-1862 | Marx and Engels contribute to the Chartist papers Notes to the People and The People’s Paper, and generally assist the Chartist movement |
August 1851-March 1862 | Marx and Engels contribute articles to the New York Daily Tribune on national liberation movements, international affairs, and the economics and politics of leading capitalist states |
Marx writes The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, developing on the theory of revolution. In May 1852, it was printed in New York by the journal Die Revolution; publisher Joseph Weydemeyer | |
April 14, 1852 | Marx’s daughter Franziska dies |
May-June | Marx and Engels write a pamphlet, The Great Men of the Exile, exposing the ambitions of petty-bourgeois refugee leaders, their pursuit of popularity and adventurist plans of revolution in a situation that was not yet ripe |
October 4-November 12 | The Cologne trial of Communist League members |
October-December | Marx and Engels expose the Prussian government’s frame-up in letters, articles and statements to the press. Between late October and December, Marx writes a pamphlet, Revelations Concerning the Communist Trial in Cologne, in which he offers documentary evidence of fabrications by the Prussian police and judiciary. In January 1853 the pamphlet was published in Switzerland and in April in the United States |
November 17 | As reaction gains ground on the European continent and many active members of the Communist League are arrested, a meeting of the League’s London District assents to Marx’s proposal to dissolve its branches and recommends the branches on the continent to close down as well |
October 22-December 24, 1853 | The Chartist People’s Paper prints a series of Marx’s articles, Lord Palmerston, a satirical portrayal of that prominent English politician. Also published in the New York Daily Tribune and, later, as a separate pamphlet |
Marx covers the Labour Parliament for the New York Daily Tribune. In an open letter to the Labour Parliament in The People’s Paper of March 18, 1854, Marx calls for the establishment of a mass working-class political party in England | |
August-December | The New-York Daily Tribune runs Marx’s series of articles, “Revolutionary Spain”, with an in-depth examination of the train of events in the light of the revolutionary history of the Spanish people |
Marx’s daughter Eleanor is born | |
January-December | Marx contributes to the democratic Neue Oder-Zeitung, which prints his articles on the Crimean War and the economic and political situation in Britain and France |
April 6 | Marx’s eight-year-old son Edgar dies |
Worldwide economic crisis. Marx’s articles on the progress of the crisis in Europe and the USA appear in the American, British, and German press | |
July 1857-March 1859 | Marx sums up his economic studies. He hastens to complete his study of political economy |
Marx contributes to The New American Cyclopaedia | |
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Part One, is published in Berlin | |
June-August | Marx and Engels examine the proletariat’s revolutionary theory and tactics in the columns of Das Volk |
Slanderous attacks on the proletarian party prompt Marx to start collecting material for a pamphlet, Herr Vogt | |
December 1 | Herr Vogt appears in London, exposing Vogt as a typical underling of the bourgeoisie |
August 1861-July 1863 | Marx works on an economic manuscript containing all parts of the future Capital, including its historical and critical section, Theories of Surplus Value |
Marx contributes to the Viennese liberal newspaper Die Presse, on the US Civil War, economic conditions in Britain, and the foreign policy of Napoleon III | |
The General Association of German Workers is founded in Leipzig | |
August 1863-December 1865 | Marx writes a new version of Capital, with a special interest in the problems dealt with in the future volumes II and III |
November 30, 1863 | Marx’s mother dies in Trier |
Wilhelm Wolff, Marx’s close friend and staunch supporter, dies in Manchester. Marx dedicates Capital to him | |
September 28 | At a meeting in St. Martin’s Hall, London, the International Working Men’s Association (the First International) is founded. Marx is elected member of its Provisional Committee, which later became known as the General Council |
Late October | Marx drafts the Provisional Rules and Inaugural Address of the IWA |
Marx and Engels contribute to Der Social-Demokrat, popularising the International and its ideas in Germany | |
March 19-April 8, 1865 | Marx stays with his Dutch relatives in Zalt-Bommel |
June 20 and 27 | Marx lectures on wages, price and profit at General Council meetings, expounding the fundamental ideas of the future Volume I of Capital |
September 25-29 | The first conference of the International is held in London. Marx helps to prepare it, and takes part in it |
Marx works on the final version of Volume I of Capital and prepares it for the printer | |
March 15-April 13, 1866 | Marx has a holiday in Margate |
July | Marx draws up instructions for delegates to the Geneva Congress of the International, stressing the need for working men’s international unity |
September 3-8 | The Geneva Congress of the First International gathers to approve the programme documents submitted by the General Council |
April 10, 1867 | Marx takes the manuscript of Volume I of Capital to publisher Otto Meissner in Hamburg |
April 17-May 15 | Marx stays with Ludwig Kugelmann in Hanover |
September 2-8 | The Lausanne Congress of the First International, at which a fight flares up with Proudhonists over the agrarian question (socialisation of land) and the question of struggle for political freedoms |
September 14 | Volume I of Capital, Marx’s principal economic study, comes off the presses |
Engels writes reviews of Capital with an eye to popularising it | |
Spring 1868 | Marx goes back to economic manuscripts written before 1865. He works on them until his last day |
April 2 | Marx’s daughter Laura marries Paul Lafargue, a French socialist |
September 6-13 | The Brussels Congress of the First International, where the conflict with the Proudhonists comes to a head. Proudhon’s theory is torn to pieces. The Congress passes a resolution confirming the advantages of collective, socialist ownership of the means of production and of land. It also passes a resolution recommending working men in all countries to study Marx’s Capital |
The Inaugural Congress of the Social-Democratic Workers’ Party of Germany is held in Eisenach | |
September 6-11 | The Basle Congress of the First International is held. It confirms the socialist platform of the International |
c. September 10-October 11 | Marx and his daughter Jenny visit the Kugelmanns in Hanover |
October 2 | The first issue of Der Volksstaat, the central newspaper of the Social-Democratic Workers’ Party of Germany, comes out in Leipzig; Marx and Engels become its contributors |
November | On Marx’s proposal, the General Council of the First International discusses the Irish people’s national liberation movement |
Late November | Volume II of Capital is devoted to landownership. Marx sets out on a close study of Russian economic writings, and starts learning Russian. Six months later, he reads official Russian publications and other literature on the country’s agrarian relations and sociopolitical development |
In collaboration with her father, Jenny, Marx’s eldest daughter, writes eight articles for La Marseillaise, a Paris newspaper, exposing British policies in Ireland | |
March 24 | Responding to the request of the Russian section of the First International, Marx becomes corresponding secretary of the General Council for Russia |
July 19 | France declares war on Germany. The Franco-Prussian War begins |
July 19-23 | On the instructions of the General Council, Marx writes the First Address of the General Council of the International Working Men’s Association on the Franco-Prussian War, exposing its true character and urging German workers to prevent the war against Bonapartist France from becoming a war against the French people |
On Marx’s proposal, Engels writes a series of articles on the Franco-Prussian War for the British Pall Mall Gazette | |
September 1-2, 1870 | The Battle of Sedan culminates in the defeat of the French army |
September 4 | Following the French defeat at Sedan, a revolution breaks out in Paris, resulting in the downfall of the Second Empire and proclaiming the French Republic |
September 9 | The General Council approves Marx’s Second Address of the General Council of the International Working Men’s Association on the Franco-Prussian War, in which Marx calls on the proletariat to prevent the Prussian militarists from carrying out their expansionist plans |
c. September 20 | Engels moves from Manchester to London |
October 4 | Engels is unanimously elected to the General Council of the First International. He is made corresponding secretary for Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Denmark |
March 18, 1871 | |
March 18-May 28, 1871 | As the proletarian revolution wins in Paris and the Commune is established, Marx and Engels organise workers’ demonstrations in its support. The General Council discusses the Commune, and sends representatives to Paris. Marx and Engels keep in touch with the Commune, give recommendations to the Communards, and launch a large-scale campaign in defence of the Commune |
March 28 | Festive proclamation of the Paris Commune |
March 29 | The Commune passes a decree on the abolition of levies and substitution of the armed people for a standing army |
March 30 | The Commune passes a decree on the transfer of administrative powers in Paris arrondissements to the Commune |
April 2 | The Commune passes a decree separating the Church from the State |
April 16 | A decree on the transfer of inoperative workshops to workers’ production associations |
April 18-May 30 | Marx works on an address of the General Council, The Civil War in France, which stresses the worldwide significance of the Paris Commune as the first attempt at establishing a proletarian dictatorship |
May 30 | The General Council unanimously approves the address, The Civil War in France |
September 17-23 | The London Conference of the First International. Drawing on the lessons of the Paris Commune. Marx and Engels substantiate the need for political struggle by the working class and for independent proletarian parties in each country; these ideas are incorporated in a resolution of the Conference |
The General Council approves a private circular, Fictitious Splits in the International, written by Marx and Engels, which exposes Bakuninist intrigues and disruptive activity in the International | |
March 27 | Publication of the Russian translation of Volume I of Capital, its first foreign edition |
May | Fictitious Splits in the International is published in Geneva as a pamphlet |
The second German edition of Volume I of Capital appears in nine instalments | |
September 2-7, 1872 | Marx and Engels take part in the Hague Congress of the First International, which confirms the principal resolutions of the London Conference and takes to task the anarchists for their divisive activity. It expels their leaders Bakunin and Guillaume from the International, and resolves to move the seat of the General Council to New York |
September 17 | The first series of five instalments of the French edition of Volume I of Capital is published |
October 10 | Marx’s daughter Jenny marries French socialist Charles Longuet |
Early June 1873 | The second German edition of Volume I of Capital appears in Hamburg |
December | The Italian annual, Almanacco Repubblicano, carries Marx’s article Political Indifferentism and Engels’s On Authority, which show the harm of anarchist theories |
Marx accompanied by his daughter Eleanor takes a cure in Karlsbad. On his way to London, he stops over at Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin and Hamburg and meets Liebknecht and Blos to discuss the situation in the Party and the need to combat Lassalleanism | |
Marx despatches to Germany his marginal notes on the draft programme drawn up for the forthcoming unity congress of Eisenachers and Lassalleans in Gotha. Subsequently, it came to be known as the Critique of the Gotha Programme which was first published in 1891 on Engels’s initiative | |
May 22-27 | The unity congress in Gotha. The foundation of the Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany |
August 15-September 11 | Marx takes a cure in Karlsbad. Meets Maxim Kovalevsky, a Russian ethnographer, historian and lawyer |
Marx is accompanied by Eleanor on a cure in Karlsbad | |
Marx works on Chapter X of Part II of Engels’s Anti-Dühring. Herr Eugen Dühring’s Revolution in Science originally published in instalments by Vorwärts! | |
August 8-c. September 27 | Marx, accompanied by his wife and daughter Eleanor, takes a cure in Neuenahr (Germany) and Scotland |
Marx studies mathematics, and continues his research into mathematical analysis begun in the 1860s | |
Late May-June 1878 | Marx studies agrochemistry and geology |
October 19 | The German Reichstag passes a law against “the harmful and dangerous aspirations” of social-democrats (the Anti-Socialist Law) |
Marx continues his political and economic work and sends Circular Letter” to August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht, Wilhelm Bracke and otherc research, drawing on Russian and American sources | |
Mid-September | Marx and Engels write a “ German social-democratic leaders, criticising opportunism |
September 28, 1879 | The first issue of Der Sozialdemokrat, central organ of the German socialdemocrats who continue their struggle underground, is published in Zurich. Marx and Engels contribute to it |
Making a special study of the ground rent and agrarian relations, Marx reads up on the village commune (Maxim Kovalevsky’s Communal Landownership, and the Causes, Course and Consequences of Its Disintegration) | |
January-December 1880 | Marx works on volumes II and III of Capital |
April | Marx draws up a Workers’ Questionnaire for the monthly La Revue socialists, elucidating the economic demands of the working class |
May | Marx writes Engels’s biography as a preface to a separate edition of three chapters of Anti-Dühring prepared by Engels for French readers under the title, Socialism: Utopian & Scientific |
Marx studies material, monographs and other writings on Russia’s social and economic development after the peasant reform of 1861 | |
July 26-August 16 | Marx and his wife visit their daughter Jenny in Argenteuil near Paris |
December 2 | Marx’s wife Jenny dies in London after a long illness |
Marx and Engels write a preface to the Russian edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, stating that “Russia forms the vanguard of revolutionary action in Europe” | |
February-October | With his health deteriorating, Marx goes to Algeria, the south of France and Switzerland for a rest and cure, and visits his daughter Jenny in Argenteuil |
Marx studies organic and inorganic chemistry | |
January 11, 1883 | Marx’s eldest daughter Jenny dies in Paris |
March 14 | Marx dies in London |
March 17 |