Encyclopedia of Marxism: T


Ta Thu Thau (1906-1945) Tampoe, Phillips Balendra (“Bala”) (1922– present)
Tan Malaka (1897-1949) Tao (a.k.a. Dao)
Taoism (a.k.a. Daoism) Tapsell, Walter
Tarrida del Marmol, Fernando (1862-1915) Taxation
Taxil, Léo (1854-1907) Taxonomy and Typology
Taylor, Frederick Winslow (1856-1915) Taylor, Harriet (1856-1915)
Taylorism Teleology
Ten Hours bill Tendency (Althusser)
Tereschenko, Mildiall Ivanovich (1888-1959) Terrorism
Tesnyaki Thalheimer, August (1884-1948)
Thangathurai, C. Tharmakulasingham, Chellapa (? – 1949)
The Class Struggle (New York City 1917-1919) The Communist (Series 1919-1921)
The Communist Party of India The Communist Party of India (Marxist) (abbreviated CPI(M) or CPM
The Daily Worker (CPUSA daily, Chicago, New York City, 1924-1956) The International Socialist Review
The Knights of Labor The Labour Monthly (London 1921-1981)
The Lanka Sama Samaja Party The Lanka Sama Samaja Party-R
The Militant\New Militant (New York 1928-1936) The National Left-Wing Movement
The New Review (New York City 1913 – 1917) The Ohio Socialist (Cleveland, Ohio, 1918 – 1920)
The Revolutionary Age (Boston, Ma.) The Revolutionary Age (New York City)
The Workers World (Kansas City, 1919-1920) Theism
Theoretical Idea Theory
Theory & Practice Theory of Marginal Utility
Theory, ‘Theory’, Theory (Althusser) Theravada Buddhism
Thermidor Thiers, Louis Adolphe (1797-1877)
Thing-for-us Thing-in-itself
Third Period Third World
Third Zimmerwald Conference Thomas, Albert (1878-1932)
Thomas, James H. (1874-1949) Thompson, Edward Palmer (E.P.) (1924-1993)
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) Thorez, Maurice (1900-1964)
Thorne, Will (1857-1946) Tillett, Ben (1860-1943)
Tilsit, Treaty of Time (Althusser)
Timpanaro, Sebastiano (1923-2000) Tito, Josip Broz (1892-1980)
Titus, Hermon F. (1852-?) ToDay
Togliatti, Palmiro (1893-1964) Tomsky Mikhail (1880-1936)
Totalisation, Totality Totalitarianism
Totality (Althusser) Tovarishch (The Comrade)
Toyotism Trade-union
Trades Union Congress (TUC) Tranmael, Martin (1879-1967)
Transition Transition (Althusser)
Treaty of Versailles Tresca, Carlo (1879-1943).
Treves, Claudio (1868-1933) Triad
Tribal Society Tribunists
Trickle-down Effect Triple Alliance
Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940) Trotsky, Natalia Sedova (1882-1962)
Trotskyism Trudoviks
True Socialism Truman Doctrine
Truth Tsereteli, Irakly (1882-1959)
Tso-lin, Chang (1873-1928) Tsushima, Battle of
Tsushima, Tadayuki (1901-1979) Tucker, Benjamin R. (1854-1939)
Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail (1865-1919) Tukhachevsky, Mikhail (1857-1932)
Turati, Filippo (1857-1932) Turing, Alan (1912-1954)
Two-and-a-Half International Työmies