Encyclopedia of Marxism: G


Gäbel, Otto (1885–1953) . Gödel, Kurt (1906-1978)
Galicia Galileo, Galiliei (1564-1642)
Gallacher, William (1881-1965) Gang of Four
Gapon, Georgi Apollonovich (1870-1906) Garbutt, Douglas
Garden, Jock Gaultier, Jules de (1858-1942)
Gazeta Pechatnikov (Printers' Newspaper ) Gazeta Robotnicza (Workers' Gazette)
Gazeta-Kopeika (Kopek Newspaper) Ge, Nikolai (1831-94)
Gegechkori, A (1882-1954) Gender
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Generalities I, II and III (Althusser)
Genetic Exposition Genoa Conference—1922
Gentile, Giovanni (1875-1944) Gentlemen of June 3
Genus [or Kind] George, Henry (1839-97)
Georgian Affair-1921 German Brussels Newspaper
German Catholicism German Confederation
German Insurrection-1921
Also: “The March Action”
German revolution - 1923
German Social-Democratic Congress in Halle German Social-Democratic Labour Party
German Workers' Society German-French Yearbook
Geschke, Ottomar (alias Eisbär, 1882–1957) . Gestalt
Geyer, Curt (1891–1967) . Gezmis, Deniz (1947-1972)
Gierek, Edward (b. 1913) Girondists and Montagne
Glöbig, Fritz (1882–) . Glaberman, Martin (1918-2001)
Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898) Glasnost
Glass Ceiling Glass, Frank (1901-1988)
Globalisation Glocke
Glotzer, Albert Glynn, Tom
God Gold Standard
Goldman, Emma (1869 - 1940) Goldman, Lucien (1913-1970)
Goldstein, Vida (1869-1949) Gollan, John (1911-1977)
Gomez, George (1927-present) Gompers, Samuel (1850-1924)
Gomulka, Wladyslaw (1905-) Good, Idea of the
Goods and Services Goonewardene, Cholomondeley (1917– 2006)
Goonewardene, Leslie Simon (1909– 1983) Goonewardene, Violet Vivienne (1916– 1996)
Gopher Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931-)
Gorky, Maxim (1868-1936) Gorter, Herman (1864-1927)
Gorz, André (1923-2007) Gotha (Unity) Congress
Gotha Party Gotz, Abram Raphailovich (1882-1940).
Gould, Bob (1937-2011) Governance
Government Govindarajulu, C. (? - present)
GPU Grün, Karl (1813-87)
Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937) Grand Narrative
Great Leap Forward Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Green (or Environmental) Movement Gregorian Calender
Grey, Edward (Lord Grey) (1862-1933) Grlić, Danko (1923 – 1984)
Grossman, Henryk (1881-1950) Grothe, Hermann (1888–) .
Ground Group Dynamics
Group Structure Grylewicz, Anton (1885–1971) .
Gubernia Guchkov, Alexander Ivanovich (1862-1936)
Guerrilla Warfare Guesde, Jules (1845-1922)
Guest, Haden Leslie (1877-1960) Guevara, Che (1928-1967)
Guillaume, William (1844-1916) Guizot, Francois (1787-1874)
Gunasekera, Vernon H. (1908– 1996) Gunawardena, Don Benjamin Rupasinghe (“Robert”) (1904– 1971)
Gunawardena, Don Philip Rupasinghe (1901– 1972) Gunawardena, Dona Caroline Rupasinghe
Gunawardena, Kusumasiri (1912– 1985) Gupta, Bal Krishna (1910– 1972)
Gurko, Vasili Iosifovich (1864-1937) Gusev, Sergei (1874-1933)
Guyau, Jean-Marie (1854-1888) Guzman, Abimael (Gonzalo) (1935-)