B U R E A U   O F   P U B L I C   S E C R E T S


Index to Debord’s
Society of the Spectacle


Arabic numerals refer to theses, Roman numerals to chapter epigraphs.

Art of Worldly Wisdom, The
(Gracián), VI

Bakunin, Mikhael, 78, 91-92
Bernstein, Eduard, 79, 97
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 108
Boorstin, Daniel, 198-200
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, 136
Burckhardt, Jakob, 139

Capital (Marx), 88-89, 144, 151
Christ, Jesus, 136
Ciliga, Ante, 104
City in History, The (Mumford), 172
Cohn, Norman, 138
Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels), 79, 87

Difference Between the Systems of Fichte and Schelling, The (Hegel), 180

Eastman, Max, 112
Ebert, Friedrich, 97
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (Marx), 215
Engels, Friedrich, 79, 84, 89
Essence of Christianity, The (Feuerbach), I
Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), 79

False Consciousness (Gabel), 217
Feuerbach, Ludwig, I
Finance Capital (Hilferding), 95
Fourier, Charles, 95
Freud, Sigmund, 51

Gabel, Joseph, 217-219
German Ideology, The (Marx & Engels), 81, 137, 177
Gracián, Baltasar, VI

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 76, 80, 127, 206, ix, 215
Henry V (Shakespeare), V
Herodotus, 133
History and Class Consciousness (Lukács), II, 112
Hilferding, Rudolf, 95

Image, The (Boorstin), 198

Jenenser Realphilosophie (Hegel), 215

Kennedy, John F., 61
Kerr, Clark, 193
Khrushchev, Nikita, 61
Kierkegaard, Soren, 206
Korsch, Karl, 76

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 98-99, 103, 112
Lenin and the Revolution (Ciliga), 104
“Lenin’s Testament,” 112
“General Ludd,” 115
Lukács, Georg, II, 112
Luxemburg, Rosa, 101
Lysenko, Trofim, 108

Machiavelli, Nicolo, 139, VII
Mannheim, Karl, 214
Mao Zedong, 64
Marx, Karl, 78-81, 84-85, 87-89, 91, 95, 125, 176, VIII, 206
Material for a Theory of the Proletariat (Sorel), 83
Medici, Lorenzo de’, 139
Mohammed, 136
Mumford, Lewis, 172, 174

Novalis, 131

Ors, Eugenio d’, 189

Pannekoek, Anton, 116
Parliamentary Inquest on the Paris Commune, IV
Parvus (Alexander Helphand), 103
Phenomenology of Spirit, The (Hegel), IX
Philosophical Fragments (Kierkegaard), 206
Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx), 147
Prince, The (Machiavelli), VII
Pursuit of the Millennium, The (Cohn), 138

Red Flag (Beijing), III
Reisman, David, 192
Rizzi, Bruno, 104
Rote Fahne (Berlin), 101
Ruge, Arnold, VIII

Shakespeare, William, V
Sombart, Werner, 83
Sorel, Georges, 83
Sorenson, Theodore, 61
Stalin, Josef, 70, 103-104, 107
Stirner, Max, 78
Stuart, Charles Edward (“Bonnie Prince Charlie”), 140

“Theses on Feuerbach” (Marx), 216
“Theses on Hegel and Revolution” (Korsch), 76
Trotsky, Leon, 103, 112

Whyte, William, 192


Reprinted from the Situationist International Anthology (Revised and Expanded Edition, 2006). No copyright.

[The Society of the Spectacle]




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