Gray Panthers
Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2023

1612 K Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006,


Purpose: Working to create a humane society that puts the needs of people over profits, responsibility over power, and democracy over institutions.
Honoring Maturity: The concept of aging takes into account an individuals growth during their entire life span, from birth to death in personal development, social involvement, and self fulfillment.
Unifying the Generations: Recognition that generations are formed by different histories and cultures, but a common respect holds them together.
Active Engagement: Civic participation and responsibility are fundamental to achieving goals of social and economic justice.
Participatory Democracy: The Gray Panthers belongs to its members. The members define the organization's values, purpose, and the issues in which we place collective energy.

Languages: English

Structure: Non-Profit


Gray Panther Network

Frequency: 4/yr

ISSN: 0739-2001

Subscription Price: $12/yr

Subject Headings:

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